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Aden Marucco awarded a $16,000 scholarship to attend the University of Illinois Springfield
Mar 24, 2025
Aden Marucco of Taylorville, Illinois, has been admitted to the University of Illinois Springfield for the fall semester of 2025 and awarded a $16,000 Star Scholar Award for tuition over four years. At UIS, he will major in political science. The scholarship is awarded based on high school GPA and can be renewed if the student maintains college GPA requirements. In high school, he was involved in FFA and worked as the school’s greenhouse manager. |
Invitation To Host A Bonus Event For Springfest 2025!
Mar 24, 2025
As we gear up for Springfest 2025, we invite you to consider hosting a Bonus Event to enhance student engagement and contribute to this exciting campus tradition! Bonus Events provide an opportunity for students participating in Springfest to earn additional points toward their overall score while attending meaningful and enriching activities. If you are interested in hosting a Bonus Event, please submit your proposal including the following details: |
Parking Lot E Closure - Tuesday, March 25
Mar 24, 2025
Please be aware that Parking Lot E will be closed on Tuesday, March 25, so that school children may safely enter the UIS Performing Arts Center for an event. Thank you! Parking OperationsOffice: BSB 43Phone: (217) 206-8502Email: parking@uis.edu |
Campus-Wide Wi-Fi Upgrade - Student Union and Trillium
Mar 24, 2025
Thanks to campus and system-level financial support, ITS is in the process of implementing a campus-wide infrastructure refresh as part of our efforts to improve Wi-Fi performance. This is a multi-phase project with an expected projected completion date of August 2025. During the week of March 24, we will be upgrading the Student Union and Trillium. During the transition for each building, laptops, tablets, and phones should automatically switch to the new Wi-Fi after a possible brief interruption in service. |