More Resources
Immigration Information
The Diversity Center is open and ready to support students affected by changes to DACA or other immigration policies. Please contact
Whether you are thinking about applying to UIS or are already a student, there are various programs to help you transition to and succeed at UIS. We provide support services - including academic, personal, and financial aid counseling - that can help students balance being a part time/full time student while handling other day-to-day challenges you may face.
UIS Statement on Immigration
The University of Illinois Springfield fosters and celebrates the diversity of its students, faculty, and staff as a foundational aspect of our mission and our service to the public good. We support the safety, well-being, and success of all members of our University community, including those whose families have immigrated to the United States and those who have traveled to UIS and the surrounding community to study, research, teach, or serve as staff and administrators. Creating a campus that is welcoming and inclusive to all is vital to our mission, vision, and values, and is also vital to our goal of creating and sustaining global leaders, scholars, and citizens, through engagement and innovation.
Developed by the UIS Immigration Committee; approved by Chancellor Emeritus Susan Koch, November 2019
External Resources
Mental Health
Know Your Rights/Legal
- Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
- The Immigration Project
- National Immigrant Justice Center
- National Immigration Law Center
U of I Campuses
Student Resources
- Book Rental Program - As a resource to all students, the Diversity Center offers book rentals of donated books students can use for classes.
- List of books available (STEP 1)
- Important Forms
- Access and Equal Opportunity -Dedication to diversity is part of the fabric of the university.
- Center for Student Academic Success - One stop academic support stop for students
- Cutural/Diversity Student Organizations - This link leads to the Student Life’s list student organizations offered.
- Disability Resources - This link leads to the Office of Disability Services site which aims to provide academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities.
- International Student Resources - Resources for prospective and current international students.
- International Student Services - The Office of International Student Services supports the immigration, academic, and cultural experience of all UIS international students.
- Learning Hub - The Learning Hub offers free help to students in improving skills in writing, math and statistics, accounting/economics, science, academic/study skills, and, through a peer tutoring program, virtually any subject taught on the campus.
- Safe Zone - Ally for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning.
- Women's Center - The Women’s Center aims to offer support, information, and advocacy on a variety of gender-related issues.
- Gender and Sexuality Student Services -LGBTQIA+ resource office that assists with the understanding sexual orientation and gender identity. GSSS provides a safe haven for people of all LGBTQIA+ and their allies by providing education, advocacy, support, allyship, mentoring, and a Safe/Brave space for sexual and gender minority (LGBTQIA+) students.
- Hispanic/Latino/a/x/e: What is the Difference? Learn the difference by engaging with the H/L Initiative
- Micro-aggressions: What is a micro-aggression? How do you approach them? Answers to that and more coming soon.
- Socio/Economic Resources - Resources dealing with financial and economic student situations.
Individual & Small Group Counseling
- Prospective and current students who are uncertain of their direction in life, academic and personal, may request counseling through this office.
"The Common Bond" E-zine
- We publish a bi-monthly campus newsmagazine. "The Common Bond" informs students of issues that directly affect them and keeps them abreast of campus and community activities. Also, it is a forum for students to publish their opinions, art, and literature.
Career, Internship and Scholarship Postings
- Often personnel officers and universities send notices of job and scholarship opportunities to vour office and, as a service, we make these available to our students.
Special Events, Issues Forums and Programs
- Kwanzaa Celebration, Cultural Fest, Cinco de Mayo Celebration, and Unity March OMSA, in conjunction with the UIS minority student groups (A.A.S.O., SANKOFA & O.L.A.S. ), have co-sponsored several events celebrating the richness of our diverse cultures.
- The office co-sponsors several programs each semester dealing with diversity issues. These forums may include films, speakers, panels, entertainment and brown bag luncheons.
Workshops and Seminars
- We provide several pertinent and valuable workshops throughout the semester designed to increase retention and encourage graduation. We sponsor an annual Minority Career Options Seminar that help students explore professional opportunities.
Funding for Special Interest Conferences
- We actively seek funding to provide students with the opportunity to travel to various workshops and conferences dealing with minority students' needs and concerns. Students have attended the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus Conference and the Hispanic Leadership Conference.
Information Clearinghouse
- We serve as clearinghouse for information from students organizations, the University and the Springfield Community. We co-sponsor several events and activities, both internally and externally; serve on various committees and organizational boards, and subscribe to many trade journals. If we can not help you we can certainly put you in touch with someone who can.
Open Door Policy
- We always maintain an "open-door" policy; while appointments are encouraged we also welcome walk-ins. Our office treats every day as an "Open House." We work as a unit to ensure that all students feel equally welcome and supported in our office.
Organization Links
- African American Heritage Preservation Foundation
- Association of African American Museums
- Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc.
- Association of Black Psychologists
- Association of Black Sociologists
- Association of Black Women Historians
- Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting
- Black Contractors Association
- Black Culinarian Alliance
- Black Data Processing Association
- Hispanic Marketing Council
- National Black Justice Coalition
- National Black MBA Association, Inc.
- National Black Prosecutors Association
- National Multicultural Institute
- National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
- National Society of Black Engineers
- Organization of Black Airline Pilots
- Organization of Black Designers
- Organization of Black Screenwriters, Inc.
- Black Issues
- Black Professionals Association
- Black Publishers Association
- Carnegie-Mellon Multicultural Initiative
- GLBT Pride Issues
- Hispanic Outlook
- International Black Broadcasters Association
- International Organization of Black Security Executives
- Latin American Association
- Latin Business Association
- Leadership Center For Asian Pacific Americans
- Multicultural Food Service & Hospitality Alliance
- Multicultural Pavilion
- National Alliance of Black School Educators
- National Association for Black Veterans, Inc.
- National Association for Multicultural Education
- National Association of Black Journalists
- National Association of Black Social Workers
- National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
- National Black Association for Speech-Language and Hearing
- National Consortium of Directors of LGBT Resources in Higher Education
- The Black Collegian International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
- University of Illinois at Champaign Office of Minority Student Affairs
- University of Illinois at Chicago: African-American Cultural Center
African American Resources
Native American/American Indian Resources
Asian American Resources
- Asian American Journalist Association
- Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association
- Association of Indians in America
- Center for Asian Pacific American Women
- Committee of 100 Extraordinary Chinese Americans
- Japanese American Citizens League
- Korean American Coalition
- National Association of Asian American Professionals
- UIC Asian American Resource and Cultural Center
- UIUC Asian American Cultural Center
Business and Community
Disability Resources
Office of Disability Services (ODS) - ODS provides academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities. The primary goal of the office is to assist students in succeeding in college-level courses through a variety of support services. This is achieved by:
- Creating individualized accommodation plans that looks at the disability as well as documentation of that disability. The plan formualized is based on the history, severity and functional limitations of the disability as well as what that student needs to be successful. That plan includes not only academic accommodations but also adaptive technology and training.
- Providing leadership to the campus community to enhance understanding of disability and support of ODS and our role in campus life.
- Providing guidance and education to the campus community to ensure that they understand and comply with legal requirements for access and with the student’s rights to receive academic accommodations.
- Establishing a clear set of policies and procedures that define the rights and responsibilities of both the institution and the student.
Gender Resources
Latino/Hispanic Resources
- Counselor Guide 2015 - A Counselor's Guide to Resources for Undocumented Students.
- Latino Policy Forum
- Latino Resources College Fund
- Student Guide 2015 - Undocumented Student Guide by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.
- UIUC Casa Cultural Latina
- US Government Hispanic Resources
Religious/Spiritual Resources
- Christian Student Fellowship Advisor: Keenan Dungey (217) 206-7345
- Indian Society for Enriching Ethnic Standards Advisor: Yashanad Mhaskar (217) 206-7336
- Jump for Joel Advisor Beth Hoag (217) 206-8312
- Living Word Bible Study Advisor: Jeremy Wilburn (217) 206-8249
- Lutheran Campus Ministry Advisor: Michael Bohl (217) 206-6700
- Muslim Student Association Advisor: Baker A Siddiquee (217) 206-7912
- Newman Catholic Student Club Advisor: Mary Sheila Tracy (217) 206-7328
- Voices in Praise Choir Advisor: Dr. Clarice Ford (217) 206-6333
- CUFFICE Advisor: Dr. Marcellus Leonard (217) 206-7452
- Religious Discrimination
UIS is a Campus Affiliate of the National Coalition Building Institute. More information about workshops coming soon. Listed below is a directory of the churches and other places of worship which most students attend. Christian Student Fellowship is a group of students at UIS and LLCC who think that finding and pursuing God is one of the most important things you will do while at college...knowing our creator might come in handy while you are trying to find your place in life, so we've decided that our spiritual quest is just as important as our educational experience here. Visit our Facebook Page
Meet in the Student Life Building every Friday night at 6pm
Other Springfield area
Please see the Religious & Spiritual Orgranizations page for more information about all of the local reglious and spiritual organizations in the greater Springfield area.
LGBTQ Friendly Churches
The Congregational Church, UCC
520 W. College, Jacksonville, IL 62650, (217) 245-8213
Jacksonville Congregational United Church of Christ
First Church of the Brethren
2115 Yale Blvd., Springfield, IL 62703, (217) 523-5212
First Church of the Brethren
First Presbyterian Church
321 S. 7th Street, Springfield, IL 62701, (217) 528-4311
First Presbyterian Church
Heartland MCC
402 N. Dawson, Springfield, IL 62702
Heartland Metropolitan Community Church
Lincoln Unitarian Congregational
745 Woodside Road, Springfield, IL 62711, (217) 585-9550
Lincoln Unitarian Congregational
Luther Memorial Church
2600 S. 5th Street, Springfield, IL 62703, (217) 523-7931