Women's History Month Service Project

Join us in volunteering to uplift women, through service at "Wooden It Be Lovely"


ABOUT:  Wooden It Be Lovely offers hope and employment to women healing from lives of poverty, addiction, and abuse. We do this by providing transitional employment, mentoring, recovery tools, education, community networking, and a safe community. Our women are employed to refurbish and sell donated wooden furniture, sew unique products and craft hand poured candles. This transitional employment empowers women to move towards economic stability and an enhanced wellbeing for themselves and their children.

WHAT TO EXPECT:  Volunteers will help to tag and bag items, as well as possibly prime (paint) furniture to get ready for detailed artwork painting

WHAT TO WEAR:  Clothes you don't mind getting dirty/painted on


Transportation will leave at 12:30 from the Student Union circle drive

- Google Outlook iCal
Event Type
Transportation will leave from the Student Union circle drive