The GPSI Office is currently unavailable to meet with walk-in visitors. To meet with a member of the GPSI team, please email to schedule an appointment.
Timesheet Information
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that all interns submit a timesheet to the GPSI office by close of business on the 15th of each month.
Please read the detailed timesheet information noted above before completing your first timesheet.
If you used sick and/or personal time during a timesheet period, please download and complete a leave authorization form.
GPSI Policy Manual and Resignation Information
Policy Manual
The GPSI Policy Manual contains current information about the policies and procedures that govern the GPSI program. While a GPSI intern, it is your responsibility to understand what is required of you and to adhere to all program policies.
The manual is updated annually after the start of the fall term. If changes are implemented prior to the annual revisions, you will be contacted via e-mail by the GPSI office.
If you have questions or need program information, please consult the manual before calling the GPSI office.
Resignation Information
If you need to resign your GPSI internship, you MUST submit a letter of resignation at least two weeks prior to your resignation date, if possible. The letter needs to be dated, contain your date of resignation, and be signed by both you and your supervisor. The letter can be faxed, scanned and e-mailed, or hand delivered to the GPSI Director. Additionally, students who resign or are terminated from a GPSI position are no longer eligible for future GPSI placements.
Policy on Dual Program Applicants
Applicants can choose to apply for both the Graduate Assistantship and Graduate Public Service Internship programs simultaneously, however, once an applicant has accepted a position, they are no longer eligible to be considered for the other program’s applicant pool.
Sick Leave, Personal Leave & Extended Leave Information
Sick Leave and Personal Leave
All GPSI interns earn non-compensable, non-accumulative Sick leave and Personal leave hours based on the terms of the GPSI contract period. For each month of a contract, interns receive five (5) hours of Sick leave time and one (1) hour of Personal leave time. Interns who resign or are terminated are not compensated for unused leave hours.
Sick leave hours can only be used for illnesses or medical reasons for either the intern or a member of the immediate family (spouse and/or children). When possible, interns must obtain prior approval from the supervisor to use Sick leave hours (i.e. doctor appointments, dentist appointments). Personal leave hours may be used for an absence from your internship with your internship supervisor’s approval.
Sick leave and Personal leave hours are tracked by the GPSI office. To use allotted leave hours interns are required to complete a leave authorization form and to submit that form when they submit their monthly timesheet. The form must be signed by the internship supervisor.
Extended Leave
Requests for Extended leave (5 or more agency days) using banked hours must be submitted to the internship supervisor for their approval and then sent via e-mail to the GPSI Director for approval at least two weeks before the leave date. The intern must have a confirmed date for return to their internship and if traveling by airplane must submit a copy of the proposed flight itinerary with their request.
All Extended leave requests must be approved by the GPSI Director. Also, the intern must have enough banked time to cover the entire Extended leave request PRIOR to the leave. Insufficient banked time to cover an Extended leave request results in denial of that request.
Failure to comply with the Extended Leave policy will result in immediate termination of internship.
Earnings Statements, W-2 information, and Tuition Waiver Taxability Information
- As a current intern, you can view your current Earnings Statements online.
- You can download your W-2s online as well.
- It is possible that your GPSI tuition waiver may be subject to certain taxes. To learn more about the tuition waiver taxability in formation visit the OBFS Tuition Fee Waiver Website.

“The GPSI program provided me with a high quality, practical learning experience in preparation for a future career in public service.”
Grant Hammer, Executive Office – Illinois Department of Agriculture

As a GPSI intern, I played a key role in the development and delivery of the IEPA’s “Dive In” program that reached over 500 fourth grade students on the importance of protecting and restoring our natural resources and taking care of the world around us.
Kelly Mull, IL Environmental Protection Agency