As the focal point of policy development and political activity, the Illinois General Assembly is an exciting arena to experience state government first-hand by working as an Illinois Legislative Staff Intern with the legislative leaders who will shape public policy in Illinois for the next decade.

For over sixty (60) years, the Illinois Legislative Staff Intern Program (ILSIP) has provided unique internship experiences for keenly interested, deeply motivated and talented individuals to work within state government. With the Capitol as both workplace and classroom, ILSIP interns earn four (4) graduate credits from the University of Illinois Springfield.

Funded by the Illinois General Assembly through the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (CGFA) and administered by the University of Illinois Springfield, ILSIP grew out of a desire to provide individuals with diverse experience and backgrounds, insight into the legislative process. The program offers interns a ten (10) month, full-time position as a professional legislative staffer working with either the Illinois General Assembly or Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability. Interns also participate in an academic seminar conducted by UIS faculty.

The ILSIP experience is intended to broaden the perspective of those planning academic, business or government careers so that they will carry into their chosen fields an understanding of the legislative process and how it relates to their work. In addition to providing interns exposure to the legislative process, the program provides legislative leaders with research and other professional staff assistance.

After completing this program, many interns continue working in state government. Others gain employment at other levels of government, attend law school, or pursue opportunities in the private sector.

  • Total number of annual placements – 24
  • Five (5) legislative analyst positions with each of the four partisan leadership staffs
  • Four (4) research positions with the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (CGFA)
  • Length of appointment: 10 months (September 1 to June 30)
  • Stipend: $3,300 per month, beginning September 1
  • Requirement: Undergraduate degree completed prior to start date.
  • Location: Springfield, Illinois
  • College Credit/Tuition/Fees: Interns receive four (4) hours of graduate credit in Political Science for completing the program. Associated tuition, mandatory University fees, and textbooks are provided by the program. All interns are required to complete the ILSIP academic seminar in the fall term.
  • Health Insurance: Interns are eligible for student health insurance with the premium paid by the program.
  • Backgrounds preferred: All academic majors are welcome.
  • Application Deadline: All materials must be submitted or postmarked by March 15
  • Interviews Scheduled: To be announced
  • Final selection/placements announced: To be announced

Application Deadline: March 15

Call (217) 206-7163 or email for additional information.


Download the Illinois Legislative Staff Intern Program Brochure.

Recorded Webinars

Application Questions Contact

Illinois Legislative Staff Intern Program
Attn: Brandy Lane
Center for State Policy and Leadership
University of Illinois Springfield
One University Plaza, MS PAC 410
Springfield, Illinois 62703-5407
Phone: 217.206.7163
