The Office of Human Resources strives to provide assistance to faculty, staff, students, applicants and visitors of the university in a timely, respectful and professional manner.
We make every effort to provide excellent service to the university community by using sound and effective personnel practices. As an equal employment opportunity employer, we are committed to serving a diverse community of students, staff and faculty.
If you have difficulty finding something, or if we may be of service to you, please contact our staff below.
Human Resources Organizational Chart
Human Resources Administrative Office

Paige Lavin
Administrative Aide
(217) 206-7078
Assistance With:
- Assistant to Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
- HR Financial Operations
- Human Resources Office Manager
- Tuition Waivers
Employment, Classification, and Compensation

Amber Fosdyck
Human Resources Officer
(217) 206-8642
Assistance With:
- Civil Service Testing
- Civil Service & Extra Help Application Assistance
- UIS Jobs Social Media Management (Facebook & Twitter)
- Password Resets for UIS Career Sites
- Career Fairs (Staff)
- Rising Stars Program

Kelsea Hott
Human Resources Officer
(217) 206-6652
Assistance With:
- Records & Personnel Files Reporting
- SURS Liaison- Reporting & Tracking
- Events Coordinator
- HR Development Programs

Jason Kosowski
ITTA (Information Technology Technical Associate)
(217) 206-7958
Assistance With:
- Cornerstone Administration
- JDXpert Administration
- Website Updates
- IT Support
- Inventory Management
- Reporting
Human Resources Division Liaisons

Madison Vangunten
Human Resources Associate
(217) 206-8659
Assistance With:
- HR Liaison to Chancellor’s Division, Finance and Administration, Advancement, Enrollment Management, College of Public Affairs and Education
- Civil Service, Extra Help, & Academic Professional Employment: Classification and Compensation, Pre-employment screenings, Employee on-boarding
- Civil Service, Academic Professional & Faculty Separations
- Working Titles

Kenzie Westlake
Human Resources Officer
(217) 206-6670
Assistance With:
- HR Liaison to Student Affairs, College of Business and Management, Academic Affairs Units (Library, CAP, ITS)
- Civil Service, Extra Help, & Academic Professional Employment: Classification and Compensation, Pr-employment screenings, Employee onboarding.
- Civil Service, Academic Professional & Faculty Separations
- Performance Evaluations
- LinkedIn Contact

Ben Reinhart
Human Resources Officer
(217) 206-7237
Assistance With:
- Assists Division Liaisons with Academic Affairs Division.

Je Greer
Student Employment Program Director
(217) 206-8265
Assistance With:
- Student Employment
- Federal Work Study
- Civil Service, Extra Help, & Academic Professional Employment: Classification and Compensation, Pr-employment screenings, Employee onboarding.
- Civil Service, Academic Professional & Faculty Separations

Carlene Hindert
Human Resources Associate
(217) 206-8643
Assistance With:
- HR Liaison to Center for State Policy and Leadership (CSPL), Provost Office
- Civil Service, Extra Help, & Academic Professional Employment: Classification and Compensation, Pr-employment screenings, Employee onboarding.
- Civil Service, Academic Professional & Faculty Separations

Alexa Brant
Human Resources Officer
(217) 206-8748
Assistance With:
- Support and Assist Division Liaisons
- Compensation Data Entry

Alicea Kessler
Human Resources Officer
(217) 206-8749
Assistance With:
- Support and Assist Division Liaisons
- Student Employment
- I-9’s
- LLE Working Group
- New Employee Orientation
Labor and Employee Relations

Mark Owens
Associate Director of Labor and Employee Relations
(217) 206-7096
Assistance With:
- Labor & Employee Relations
- UIS Policy &Procedures
- Employee Discipline
- Union Contract Administration
- Leaves Manager

Heather Moore
Human Resources Representative
(217) 206-7020
Assistance With:
- Leaves of Absence, including: FMLA, FFCRA/ARPA, Military, VESSA, & SURS.
- Workers Compensation, and disability processes.
- Support to the Collective Bargaining Process.
- Assists with Labor & Employee Relations.