Non-Tenure Track Bargaining Update

Non-Tenure Track Faculty Petition (pdf)

AFSCME Petition (pdf)

Carpenters Petition (pdf)

Plumbers Petition (pdf)

Electricians Petition (pdf)

Painters Petition (pdf)

How Long Will it Take to Receive My Union Negotiated Pay Increase?

This article is intended to provide UIS employees with a general understanding of the processes and timeline involved in the implementation of union negotiated pay increases.

Collective Bargaining Agreements

The University of Illinois Springfield recognizes the unions below as the exclusive bargaining agent for the employees covered under their respective Agreements.

Memorandum of Understanding for Performance Partnership Program (PPP), UPI Clerical, Technical, and Service

The University of Illinois Springfield believes in promoting a positive work environment for all employees.  As such, when an employee alleges that the University has violated the terms and conditions of employment contained in their respective bargaining agreement (i.e., committed a grievance), we encourage our supervisors and employees to attempt to resolve the matter between them. The University also understands that not all grievances can be resolved between the employee and supervisor.  Therefore, each of the collective bargaining agreements contains a grievance procedure that must be followed when an employee files a grievance.  Please reference the respective collective bargaining agreement for specific provisions of the grievance procedure.


Mark Owens
Assistant Director Labor and Employee Relations
(217) 206-7096