Getting the information to the students
- Creating Powerful Online Courses Using Multiple Instructional Strategies. Presented at the Second Annual Teaching in the Community College Online Conference in April 1997 by Tina Joy Pitt and Anne Clark of the University of Colorado Denver. Discusses different strategies for Online Learning, such as learning contracts, discussion, lecture, and more.
- Guest Lecturers in the Online Environment – Learn the benefits of bringing in the outside lecture into your online courses.
- Example: Accessible Syllabus Template for UIS Online Courses with sample policies
Being a successful instructor
- Competencies for Online Instructors
- What Makes a Successful Online Facilitator – Discusses the basic criteria for a person to be successful as an online facilitator
Instructional Strategies and Pedagogy
- Instructional Strategies for Online Courses
- Strategies for Providing Feedback in Online Courses
- Ice Breakers Activities at the start of a class session can serve many purposes. Learn some of these purposes and how ice breakers work.
- Facilitating Every Student in an Online Course – discusses how the online course facilitator is charged with the task of developing the skills of these non-ideal students while creating a learning environment suitable to various needs, preferences, and abilities.
- Online Response Time Are you always racing the clock when you teach an online course? In this article you will find time management tips to integrate into the design of your course. Specifically, the discussion explores online response time for three areas of online courses: email messages, discussion forums, and assignments and exams.
- Elements of Instruction by Gagne
- Presentation? Motivation? Participation? – Simple Answers to Complex Questions
- Learning Theories – A very basic look at how we learn.
Learning Strategies
- Self Evaluation Quiz for Potential Online Students, Illinois Online Network, created 2000 and revised 2018. Find out if you have what it takes to be a successful online student.