How to Submit Content to be Published

Saving Content & Submitting for Review

Once you are done making changes to your page, save the page by clicking the blue save button in the top-right corner of the screen.

Content is locked by default during editing. This is used to prevent two or more users from editing the content at the same time. The Unlock button is provided to allow you to unlock the content for another editor.

How to use Wrike

Wrike is a project management software that Office of Web Services (OWS) uses to manage web tasks, issues, and projects.

Once you are invited to Wrike you will receive an email to join. Click the Accept Invitation button to get started.

How to Embed a Video

Easily embed a video on the website by browsing or searching for the Youtube block, select it, copy the URL from the youtube video you want to include, and paste it into the youtube embed block and block embed.

To make the video full width, select the video block, click the advanced drop down, and add video-full (leave the other class names) to the field.

How to Schedule Content

Publishers also have the privilege to schedule pages, or revisions of pages, to be published at a later date. You can schedule a page by going to Content > Moderated content > Select Schedule Transitions under Operations next to the page you would like to schedule.

Website Management & Workflows

Website Supervisors 

All new websites requests will first need to be approved by the website supervisor for that division. The website supervisor is responsible for approving new website requests before they are approved for development by OWS.   

Monica Kroft 
Division of Academic Affairs 

Jessie Burrell 
Chancellor's Division 

Eileen Norris 
Division of Student Affairs 

CSS Class Cheatsheet








.hide - hides element by adding display:none;

.visually-hidden - hides visually but still accessible by screen readers

.video-full - makes video full-width and responsive











