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* For accessibility your filename should match the title of your document.  

More high-achieving students can attend UIS tuition-free thanks to new program

More high-achieving students will be able to attend the University of Illinois Springfield tuition-free thanks to a new program that will provide more than $1 million in additional scholarship dollars for first-year and transfer students starting the 2019-20 academic year.

Illinois’ AIM HIGH grant pilot program is designed to keep students in Illinois for their college education, increase overall Illinois college student enrollment and retention, improve Illinois college affordability and reduce student loan debt.

UIS students collect 18,095 pounds of food to help fight hunger on Halloween night

More than 200 University of Illinois Springfield students helped to collect 18,095 pounds of food to help fight hunger in central Illinois on Halloween night. The majority of the food, 17,171 pounds, will be donated to the Central Illinois Foodbank, while 924 pounds will go to the on campus UIS Cares Food Pantry.

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UIS/NPR Illinois survey shows J.B. Pritzker leads Governor Bruce Rauner by 12 percentage points in November election

A new statewide survey conducted by the University of Illinois Springfield’s Center for State Policy and Leadership and NPR Illinois shows Democrat J.B. Pritzker leads Republican Governor Bruce Rauner in the race for Illinois Governor by 12 percentage points ahead of the November 6, 2018 general election.

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UIS Reaching Stellar campaign has impressive year totaling more than $5.1 million

On June 30, the University of Illinois Springfield marked the end of fiscal year 2018 (FY2018) with more than 16,000 gifts and commitments in new business totaling more than $5.1 million. New business is comprised of new gifts, grants, pledges and deferred commitments. The University also registered $3.2 million in outright cash gifts, pledge payments, annuity/life income gifts and estate distributions. Both the new business and cash gift totals are among the best in university history.

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