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Peer-to-Peer File Sharing (HEOA Compliance Plan) Brief

Plan for Combatting the Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Material by Users of UIS Network

The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) is a reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. It includes provisions that are designed to reduce the illegal uploading and downloading of copyrighted works through peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing.

UIS takes the following measures to comply with the requirements:

Annual Disclosure

UIS uses a variety of methods to inform the campus community about the copyright infringement laws:

UIS to offer 42 accelerated courses starting Oct. 18 to help students continue their educational goals

The University of Illinois Springfield will offer 42 accelerated on-campus, online and blended courses for prospective and current students. All classes will begin Monday, Oct. 18, and will conclude in December.

“This is a great opportunity for new UIS students to start or finish their education,” said UIS Interim Chancellor Karen Whitney. “It’s also a chance for current students to add to their course load and potentially earn their degree in a shorter period of time.”

Affiliated Faculty Policy


Affiliate appointments must be made on annual basis pursuant to University Statutes, but units may choose to include the ability to offer a commitment to annually reappoint individuals to unpaid (i.e., 0%) affiliate appointments. The unit granting the 0% faculty appointment may terminate the arrangement by not reappointing for a subsequent year. Although these appointments carry faculty ranks, i.e., assistant, associate, or full professor, they are not tenure-track or tenured appointments and will carry the “affiliate” modifier.

University-Sanctioned Events Policy

Regular class attendance is expected of all UIS students. It is the first responsibility of students to respect the integrity of the educational process and to participate as fully as possible in all course-related activities. The University also values and supports the required participation of both on-ground and on-line students in university sanctioned events.