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Academic Reorganization Team Support (ARTS)


The purpose of the Academic Reorganization Team Support (ARTS) working group is to support the UIS effort to reorganize and revitalize academic programs.  The revitalization of academic programs in this effort is achieved by harnessing interdisciplinary synergies across curricular, scholarly, and service activities of faculty operating within allied disciplines.  The process of transforming ourselves academically is difficult and challenging under ideal circumstances.  And let’s face it, public higher education in the state of Illinois and ideal circumsta

Academic Reorganization

“The current economic crisis and associated budget woes in universities requires us to be open to more radical and rapid change than we are used to. What follows is a description of a method to transform the academic organization of the university to fit the current mode of intellectual inquiry – which is broader, more individualistic, and more interdisciplinary than previous modes – and at the same time to conserve university resources.” 

Academic HR

We provide leadership and guidance in the development, implementation, and administration of academic employment policies and procedures to support UIS units, academic employees, and the University community.

Oral English Proficiency

Pre-Employment Evaluation

An assessment of the effectiveness of the use of oral English is made during the process of hiring new faculty and academic staff who will provide classroom instruction by asking those who participate in hiring to assess candidates’ communications skills. This determination can be accomplished in a number of ways; e.g., formal interviews, assessment of candidates by colleagues within the academic unit, teaching demonstrations and/or research presentations.