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New Program Proposal Guidelines & Approval Processes

New Program Proposal Guidelines

Administrative Policy & Timeline

Within university guidelines, department and schools will determine the number, type, and level of courses that constitute an undergraduate major, graduate major, academic minor, academic concentration, or graduate certificate. Descriptions of majors and major requirements, minors and minor requirements, concentrations, and graduate certificates will be published in the UIS Catalog.

Key Priorities of the Directional Pillars

World-Class Teaching

The Division of Academic Affairs is committed to hiring an increasingly diverse faculty with a strong commitment to excellence in teaching, improving teaching assessment and feedback systems, recognizing and rewarding high quality teaching, and investing in ongoing development of faculty efforts to integrate teaching, scholarship, outreach, and service activities. The following general goals have been developed in support of this priority:

Division Of – Approved Concept Proposals

The concept proposals listed below have emerged from “Faculty Of” conversations and are approved for “Division Of” development. During this phase, faculty, chairs/heads, and deans will collaborate on developing the concept of an interdisciplinary unit by establishing a plan and preparing the infrastructure that could support the newly established unit. It is also possible during this phase that the parties decide that continuing to explore and develop the concept is not appropriate.

Campus Conversations

Spring 2021

Campus Senate and the Provost’s Office are jointly sponsoring a series of conversations in January and February 2021 to address specific proposals, questions, and concerns about the academic reorganization process at UIS. Many thanks to those who have submitted questions or topics for these sessions. The schedule with topics for the first three meetings (January 25, February 3, and February 8) is below.