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Non-Faculty Employees Teaching Courses

  1. Individuals must meet the qualifications as set out by the Department, College, University, and Accreditation bodies. Individuals must acknowledge that their primary job is paramount.
  2. Individuals normally may teach only one course per term for the University so as to prevent a conflict of time commitment.
  3. Individuals may not teach during regularly scheduled work hours.

New Faculty Welcome Week

Welcoming new UIS faculty

We look forward to welcoming new faculty to UIS during New Faculty Welcome Week. Activities for all full-time faculty who have begun their careers at UIS since last fall’s event include New Faculty Orientation and the Teaching & Learning Academy, as well as Thursday afternoon’s Chancellor’s Convocation. These activities will equip new faculty with essential information and tools, and they are just the beginning of faculty development opportunities at UIS.


University of Illinois Springfield is dedicated to fully engaging students in the process of active teaching and learning. UIS offers degrees that are relevant to students’ personal and professional success across a lifetime, and provides students with a distinctive academic experience through a cross-discipline approach to teaching, research, and outreach.