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About this Document

The accessibility checklist for Microsoft excel includes step by step guidance with resources to author accessibility. This document applies to Microsoft Excel desktop application. Authoring Accessibly enhances the usability of content, increases inclusivity, and ensures that content follows accessibility standards. 

Provide descriptive text to cell A1 

Authoring a table with descriptive text for cell A1 will provide necessary details about how to navigate a table. 

The accessibility checklist for Microsoft Word includes step by step guidance with resources to author accessibly. This document applies to Microsoft Word desktop Application.  Authoring accessibly enhances the usability of content, increases inclusivity, and ensures that content follows accessibility standards. 

Headings and Subheadings

Headings and subheadings are used to divide course content and help user easily navigate and find content within the document. 

Join the Office of Digital Accessibility and the Center for Online Learning, Research and Service in the next installment of the Fix-It series. This workshop focuses on checking third party or external content for accessibility compliance. If you use YouTube videos or link to websites or documents outside UIS, including eTextbooks, this workshop is for you!

Join the Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 816 9660 5177
Password: 732122

Join the Office of Digital Accessibility and the Center for Online Learning, Research and Service in the next installment of the Fix-It series. This workshop focuses on creating accessible tables.

Join the Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 816 9660 5177
Password: 732122

What is Alternative Text?

Alternative text is a concise description of an image embedded within a webpage’s code. The description is read aloud to visually-impaired viewers using a screen reader. Its primary purpose is to provide context and meaning to users who cannot see the image. Alt text also provides a fallback in case the image fails to load and plays a role in search engine results. (Alternative Text from WebAIM)

News Categories

The digital accessibility requirements in Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (2024) are broad and impact digital files shared across campus. Given breadth of these requirements, accessibility will become part of our daily work. As we advance in our accessibility compliance efforts, it will be essential for those of us creating shared documents, recording videos, and managing websites to understand the guidelines for producing accessible content.