Right-wing Populism’s Threat to Global Security – When Does Rhetoric Lead to Conflict?

Right-wing populist leaders have been at the helms of governments in all regions of the world, but they have taken power in an increasing number of countries in recent years. In fact, the percentage of right-wing populist leaders in the world in the past decade has surpassed that of the World War II era, as shown in Figure 1 below.

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UIUC Graduate Student Conference Call for Abstracts

The College of Education at UIUC is holding the 2023 Graduate Student Conference on March 3, 2023. We are reaching out to invite the graduate students to share their work on the impact of Covid 19 on technology development,  innovations, and implementation.  As most of the schools turned to virtual learning during the covid-19 pandemic, we had to rely on technology for school and work.  Students are welcome to share their work related to technology innovation and students’ learning or any other related work at the conference.

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