
Spring 2016 Production

DISTRACTED  by Lisa Loomer

Directed by Missy Thibodeaux-Thompson

Scenic Design by Dathan Powell

Performances:  April 22nd, 23rd, 24th (Fri., Sat., Sun.) & April 28th, 29th, 30th (Thurs., Fri., Sat.), 2016

The curtain time for Thursday, Friday and Saturday night shows is 7:30 p.m. with the Sunday performance starting at 2 p.m.


Fall 2016

Photo Gallery

(f)=UIS Faculty; (s)=UIS Staff; *=UIS Student; (g)=Guest Artist; (c)=Community Member


Director: Bill Kincaid (g)

Scenic Designer/Technical Director: Dathan Powell (f)

Fight Choreographer: D.C. Wright (g)

Costume Designer: Katie Eickhoff (g)

Costume Assistant: Threas Divyapeppinraj *

Almost, Maine

Spring 2017

Photo Gallery

On a cold, clear, moonless night in the middle of winter, all is not quite what it seems in the remote, mythical town of Almost, Maine. As the northern lights hover in the star-filled sky above, Amost’s residents find themselves falling in and out of love in unexpected and often hilarious ways. Knees are bruised. Hearts are broken. But the bruises heal, and the hearts mend–almost–in this delightful midwinter night’s dream.


Fall 2017 

Photo Gallery

MACHINAL  by Sophie Treadwell

Director: Missy Thibodeaux-Thompson

Scenic Designer: Dathan Powell

Performances:  October 27th, 28th, 29th (Fri., Sat., Sun.) & November 2nd, 3rd, 4th (Thurs., Fri., Sat.), 2017