Students: Important Vaccine Policy Reminders


Dear Students:

As we quickly approach the fall semester, my hope is that you are seeing your university act in many ways to prioritize your safety to the greatest extent possible. Last year, we clearly heard that you want, to the closest extent possible, a traditional college experience at our university — a college experience that is filled with opportunity, experiences and people. You want to be able to have lunch with others in the Student Union, have friends over to your apartment on campus and attend more events and meetings in person.

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End of Fall 2020 Update

GoalsActual Outcomes 12/31/20Actions UnderwayDesired Outcomes by 7/1/21
1. COVID-19: Work with university and system leaders, faculty, staff, students, alumni and community leaders to ensure that the university continues to provide high-quality teaching, learning, research and service during the COVID-19 PandemicLaunched a “Return To The Prairie Plan” for fall operations.
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