Message from the Chancellor: Preparing for Spring 2022 Semester


Dear Students, Faculty and Staff –

As we learn more about the trajectory of COVID-19 over the coming weeks, I want to urge each of you to take every step necessary to have a safe and healthy winter break. The UIS COVID-19 Rapid Response Team and the Chancellor’s Cabinet will continue to monitor conditions and meet early in the new year to assess whether any additional mitigations should be implemented for Spring semester.

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Chancellor's Newsletter November 1, 2021


Dear Colleagues -  

November is here, which means we are in the home stretch of the fall semester. It has been a truly incredible semester filled with student life programming, athletics, classroom activities and more. Shows have returned to the Sangamon Auditorium and the Studio Theatre, and safety protocols are working exceptionally smoothly. Spring 2022 course registration goes live today. There are so many things to be proud of! 

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