Dear Students, Faculty and Staff —

Our approach to managing COVID-19 at UIS this semester is going well, and we appreciate everyone’s efforts to be United in Safety by complying with our vaccine and testing requirements and responding accordingly if ill or symptomatic.

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From the COVID-19 Rapid Response Team

Good morning:

Below are some important updates regarding vaccination opportunities, testing requirements at UIS and clarification about the latest CDC guidelines for face coverings.

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From the UIS COVID-19 Rapid Response Team

We are excited to announce that, in partnership with SHIELD Illinois, the UIS COVID-19 saliva testing site is now offering free tests to the public. A separate “community lane” has been established in the lower-level PAC testing area for community visitors. The free tests are being funded through an agreement between the Illinois Department of Public Health and SHIELD Illinois using federal relief money.

Please note:

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