Brandon Schwab
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost (VCAA)
The VCAA/Provost serves as the chief academic officer for the university. They oversee academic policy and priorities, ensure the quality of the faculty and student body, and help to maintain educational excellence.
PAC 530 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-6614
Email Provost Schwab

Jorge Villegas (assisting with responsibilities of) Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education (AVCUE)
The AVCUE serves as a line officer intermediate between the College Deans and the VCAA in areas of designated responsibility, including oversight of undergraduate education and undergraduate academic success and advising.
PAC 506/ MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-6003
Email Jorge Villegas
Contact the Office of Undergraduate Education for assistance with:
- Undergraduate curriculum development
- General education and university requirements

Cecilia Cornell
Vice Provost and Director of Graduate Education (VPGE)
The VPGE serves as a line officer, intermediate between the College Deans and the VCAA in areas of designated responsibility, including oversight of graduate education.
PAC 529 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-7230
Email Cecilia Cornell
Contact Cecilia for assistance with:
- Graduate curricular initiatives and revisions
- Graduate education policies and procedures
- Dissertation deposit
- Paying for graduate school
- Diversifying Faculty in Illinois

Michele Gribbins
Associate Provost for Institutional Research and Effectiveness (APIRE)
The APIRE oversees and coordinates institutional research and effectiveness activities. They also oversee institutional accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and serve as the liaison to HLC and other external bodies.
PAC 512 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-8251
Email Michele Gribbins

Lucia Vazquez
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation (AVCRI)
The AVCRI serves as a line offer intermediate between the College Deans and the VCAA in areas of designated responsibility, including oversight of student and faculty research support, sponsored programs, and innovation initiatives.
PAC 515 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-8112
Email Lucia Vazquez
Contact Lucia for assistance with:
- Faculty and student research
- Internal faculty grants
- Illinois Innovation Network (IIN)
- Course Development Agreements
- Course Buyout Agreements
- Conflict of Commitment and Interest (COCI)

Matt Abrell
Office Administrator / Faculty Files Custodian
Submit a non-confidential item to a faculty personnel file via email: uisfacultyfiles@uis.edu
Send confidential faculty personnel review memos and documents to Matt (jabre2@uis.edu) via the PEAR (Protected Email Attachment Repository) system
PAC 531 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-7408
Email the Faculty Files Office
Contact Matt for assistance with:
- Adding documents to full-time faculty personnel files
- Student course surveys and reports
- Accessing files for reappointment, tenure, and promotion reviews
- Faculty award nomination materials

Carrie R. Allen
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment
PAC 518 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-8088
Email Carrie R. Allen

Bill Bloemer
Research Professor
PAC 533 / MS PAC 525
Email Bill Bloemer

Fumika Brudnak
Administrative Assistant
PAC 542 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-8167
Email Fumika Brudnak

Samantha Coad
Grants Writer
PAC 522 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-7409
Email Samantha Coad

Kimberly Craig
Director of Academic Initiatives
PAC 510 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-6245
Email Kimberly Craig
Contact Kimberly for assistance with:
- The ECCE Speaker Series program and the associated UNI 301 ECCE Speaker Series course
- Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) course status and submissions
- External governance timelines, paths, and approval processes for new academic programs and program changes

Allison Decker
Assistant Provost for Faculty Affairs
PAC 538 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-6616
Email Allison Decker

Jackie Gillock
Director of Finance and Budget
PAC 514 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-6077
Email Jackie Gillock

Carissa Isenberg
Program Coordinator / Research & Sponsored Programs
PAC 520 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-8578
Email Research & Sponsored Programs
Contact Carissa for assistance with:
- IRB review application components
- Initiating myProposal entries for institutional approval
- Updating Unit Executive Officer information in START myDisclosures

Monica Kroft
Executive Advisor to the Provost
PAC 528 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-6614
Email Monica Kroft
Contact Monica for assistance with:
- Provost Schwab's schedule
- Faculty and staff position requests (Division of Academic Affairs)
- Faculty search process
- Faculty personnel process logistics
- Chairs Forum meetings
- NIA and other automated forms
- Department/School/Program leadership changes
- Academic Personnel Calendar

Brian Moore
Program Coordinator - Graduate Education / Graduate Assistantship Office
PAC 519 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-6544
Email Brian Moore

Steve Moore
Business/Administrative Associate / Faculty Affairs
PAC 533 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-7406
Email Steve Moore

Mark Morten
Director of Academic Resources and Business Operations
PAC 514 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-8720
Email Mark Morten

Sara Powell
Office Administrator / Campus Senate Office
PAC 383 / MS PAC 383
Phone: 217-206-6664
Email the Campus Senate Office

Guadalupe Trejo
Administrative Aide / Academic Integrity Council support
PAC 529 / MS PAC 525
Phone: 217-206-6540
Email Guadalupe Trejo
Note: Please send Academic Integrity confidential messages to Guadalupe via PEAR (Protected Email Attachment Repository)