Spring 2019 Photo Gallery Director: Eric Thibodeaux-Thompson Scenic Designer: Bobbie Bonebrake Performances:  April 12,…
Fall 2018 Photo Gallery Director: Missy Thibodeaux-Thompson Scenic Designer: Dathan Powell Performances: October 19, 20, 21 (…
Spring 2018 SIX CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR by Luigi Pirandello  (In a New Adaptation by Robert Brustein) Photo…
Fall 2017  Photo Gallery MACHINAL  by Sophie Treadwell Director: Missy Thibodeaux-Thompson Scenic Designer:…
Spring 2017 Photo Gallery On a cold, clear, moonless night in the middle of winter, all is not quite what it seems in the remote,…
Fall 2016 Photo Gallery (f)=UIS Faculty; (s)=UIS Staff; *=UIS Student; (g)=Guest Artist; (c)=Community Member CREW Director:…