Canvas Commons is a learning object repository that enables instructors to share content created in Canvas. The content can be entire courses, a page, a module, a quiz, an assignment or a discussion. Content can be shared with only others at UIS or with the entire Canvas community. Learn more about Canvas Commons and how to search for resources and share resources to Canvas Commons.

How to import Canvas Commons resources into your course

Locate Canvas Commons resources created at UIS

  1. Click on Commons in the blue global menu in Canvas.
  2. In the search box, type "University of Illinois Springfield."
  3. A list of materials shared by UIS Canvas users is displayed.
  4. Click on the name of the item that you wish to import into your Canvas Course.
  5. Click on the blue "Import/Download" button on the right side of the screen.
  6. Check the box next to the name of the course to which you wish to add the item.
  7. Click on the "Import into Course" button.