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UIS Good as Gold awards honor more than 60 local volunteers, businesses and organizations
Apr 24, 2019
The University of Illinois Springfield, Junior League of Springfield and the United Way of Central Illinois honored more than 60 Sangamon County volunteers and businesses during the 11th annual Good as Gold Ceremony. The event was held on Wednesday, April 24, 2019, at the UIS Student Union. The Good as Gold Ceremony was started in 2008 to honor people, businesses and organizations who freely give their time and talents to make Sangamon County a better place to live. Distinguished Volunteer Award |
UIS students win awards from the International Society for Advancement of Management competition
Apr 16, 2019
A group of University of Illinois Springfield students, who are members of the Society for Advancement of Management (SAM) student chapter brought home two awards from the 2019 International Management Conference held March 27-30, in Orlando, Florida. The team placed third in the International Collegiate Business Skills Championship. |
Horace Mann donates $2,500 to fund UIS dual credit teacher education course for high school seniors
Apr 04, 2019
Horace Mann, a Springfield-based insurance and financial services company for educators, has donated $2,500 to the University of Illinois Springfield Teacher Education Department to help cover the cost of a dual credit course for high school seniors in Menard and Sangamon counties. The goal of the dual credit course titled “Foundations of American Education” is to encourage more students to become teachers. |
Hundreds of students take part in the 27th annual Springfest competition
Apr 13, 2019
Hundreds of students participated in the 27th annual Springfest competition at the University of Illinois Spr |
UIS Student Union wins excellence in design award from the Association of College Unions International
Mar 25, 2019
The University of Illinois Springfield’s new Student Union building was honored with a Facility Design Award of Excellence from the Association of College Unions International (ACUI) during a ceremony in Indianapolis on March 25, 2019. |