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UIS students help with hurricane relief in Puerto Rico and Florida as part of Alternative Spring Break
Mar 13, 2019
Two groups of students from the University of Illinois Springfield are spending their spring break helping to rebuild Puerto Rico and Florida, following Hurricanes Maria and Michael, a |
UIS study finds “bedazzled” recycling bins don’t increase recycling behavior on campus
Mar 07, 2019
A recent study conducted by students and faculty at the University of Illinois Springfield has found that “bedazzled” or more aesthetically pleasing recycling bins did not increase recycling behavior on the Springfield campus. |
UIS Professor Layne Morsch leading the way with open educational resources
Mar 07, 2019
University of Illinois Springfield senior Hailey Hollinshead and Associate Professor Layne Morsch met with Illinois Senator Dick Durbin and others this week to discuss the Open Textbook Pilot program at the Department of Education. The pilot is a $10 million federally funded competitive grant program for higher education institutions to create new and open educational resources and expand the use of textbooks to save students money. |
UIS announces Fall Semester 2018 Dean’s List
Feb 19, 2019
The University of Illinois Springfield has released the Dean’s List for Fall Semester 2018. A total of 585 students were selected; 90 are students in the College of Business and Management, 52 are students in the College of Education and Human Services, 355 are enrolled in programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 66 are enrolled in programs in the College of Public Affairs and Administration, and 22 are non-degree seeking or undecided. |
UIS-SIU Medicine co-hosted Art Express class helps individuals with memory loss express their creativity
Feb 12, 2019
Individuals with memory loss and their care partners are finding a way to express their creativity thanks to a partnership between the University of Illinois Springfield Human Development Counseling Program (HDC) and the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine’s Center for Alzheimer’s Research and Treatment. |