Miranda Andrews

Miranda Andrews

Clinical Assistant Prof.
School of Integrated Sciences, Sustainability, and Public Health
Dylan Blaum

Dylan Blaum

Clinical Assistant Prof.
Goutham Alavalapati

Goutham Alavalapati

Assistant Prof.
Computer Science
Timothy Bill

Timothy Bill

School of Communication and Media
Abigail Kroke

Abigail Kroke

Assistant Prof.
Paul Pinneo

Paul Pinneo

IT Technical Associate (LS)
Office of Web Services
Akash Belsare

Akash Belsare

Assistant Prof.
English and Modern Languages
Kyle Blount

Kyle Blount

Assistant Prof.
School of Integrated Sciences, Sustainability, and Public Health
Kim Hobby

Kim Hobby

IT Technical Associate (LS)
Office of Web Services
Jessica Baumberger

Jessica Baumberger

Director of Web and Digital Strategy
Office of Web Services
John Martin

John Martin

Associate Prof.
School of Integrated Sciences, Sustainability, and Public Health
Graham Peck

Graham Peck

Wepner Distinguished Prof. Lincoln Study-Studies
Layne Morsch

Layne Morsch

Associate Provost Faculty Affairs
Office of the Executive Director OPEL