What is assessment?

Assessment is the ongoing, collective, and intentional process in which we gather evidence of student learning and development and use that information for improvement. Assessment helps us answer the question, "Are we doing what we say we're doing?" If we aren't, assessment provides a path for figuring out what to do about it. When done well, assessment benefits everyone, including faculty, the institution, and most importantly, students.

University of Illinois Springfield's Philosophy of Assessment

At UIS, assessment is based on the following principles:

  • Assessment facilitates and promotes student learning through intentionally designed curricula and programming based on evidence of student learning and development.
  • Assessment is an essential aspect of the teaching and learning process, and when done well, facilitates deep and meaningful learning experiences for students that, in alignment with UIS’s Mission, “prepares graduates to contribute fully to society.”
  • Assessment is a shared, collaborative process that involves faculty, staff, and students.

Grounded in UIS’s value of Student-focused Teaching and Learning, assessment processes at UIS are driven by the faculty and staff who teach, engage, and support students on their educational paths. The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness provides leadership and guidance to academic units on all aspects of assessment, including assessment planning and the program review process. Faculty and staff bodies, including Campus Senate committees, also support assessment work across campus.

New to assessment? Start here!

Beginner's Guide to Assessment

Assessment Myths

Philosophies of Assessment

Assessment Glossary

Research on Assessment of Student Learning

Assessment of student learning is not just a practice, it is also a scholarly field. There are a number of organizations, peer-reviewed journals, podcasts, and websites devoted to researching and sharing best practices for assessment. A few are listed below (all of these are open-source).

National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA)

Journal for Research and Practice in Assessment

Leading Improvements in Higher Education Podcast

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to request help at any stage of the assessment process, from developing an assessment plan and/or an instrument to interpreting the results, please contact Dr. Carrie Allen, Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment at callen7@uis.edu.