Applications are due Monday, March 31, 2025.

General Education Assessment Timeline

Over an eight-year timeline, each of UIS's General Education Student Learning Outcomes is assessed over a two-year cycle using relevant AAC&U VALUE Rubrics. During the first year, known as the Planning Year, faculty identify and assess student work, analyze results, and prepare reports. During the second year, known as the Implementation Year, faculty solicit feedback from campus constituencies - including faculty and students - about the results.

Academic YearPlanning Year (faculty training, data collection, and assessment)Implementation Year (analysis and sharing of results, creation and implementation of action plans)
2023-2024Written Communication---
2024-2025Critical ThinkingWritten Communication
2025-2026Oral CommunicationCritical Thinking
2026-2027Information LiteracyOral Communication
2027-2028Quantitative ReasoningInformation Literacy
2028-2029Ethical ReasoningQuantitative Reasoning
2029-2030Intercultural Knowledge and CompetenceEthical Reasoning
2030-2031Global LearningIntercultural Knowledge and Competence
2031-2032Written CommunicationGlobal Learning

Star Faculty Fellow Program

Although the General Education Council and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness provide guidance for the general education assessment process, the work of assessing student learning is completed by Star Faculty Fellows, faculty members identified by GECO as having knowledge of, and teaching experience with, the learning outcome being assessed. During the first year of the assessment cycle, Star Faculty Fellows are trained to use the AAC&U VALUE rubric relevant to the learning outcome being assessed, read and evaluate student work, and report their findings and recommendations to GECO. Star Faculty Fellows are provided a small stipend for their work.

Crosswalks and Curriculum Maps

The crosswalk below shows alignment between UIS's baccalaureate outcomes and related competencies and lower- and upper-division learning outcomes.

UIS General Education courses are currently undergoing a syllabus review in order to map current activities to general education learning outcomes. This important work will inform assessment general education outcomes in the coming years. More information on this ongoing project can be found below.

Written Communication Assessment Results

Following the above timeline, Written Communication was assessed during the 2023-2024 academic year, and analysis and implementation of action plans is continuing during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Written Communication Star Faculty Fellows

  • Dr. Stephanie Hedge, Associate Professor of English and Director of the First Year Writing Program
  • Ms. Sarah Collins, Writing Coordinator for the Learning Hub
  • Dr. Katie Carlson, Capital Scholars Honors Program Instructor

The final Written Communication report, as well as the template used for the report, can be found below.