UIS Orbit is a resource for University of Illinois Springfield employees to find important news and announcements, new hire information, human resources info, upcoming employee events and more!


book with arms for pages and text Open Educational Resources
Feb 08, 2024
The FY24 budget for the state of Illinois appropriated $3 million in funding that the Illinois State Library has made for authoring, revising/remixing, updating, or creating ancillary materials for OER textbooks. The…
Feb 08, 2024
Your voice is crucial to the future of Artificial Intelligence at UIS! The AI Steering Committee is inviting you to share your insights and experiences through our Employee AI survey. This is your opportunity…
Feb 07, 2024
Congratulations 2023 Employee of the Year UIS Information Technology Services Technical Associate Zach Logsdon has been named the 2023 Employee of the Year! Logsdon, who was the December 2023 Employee of the…

UIS Mobile App

The UIS Mobile app is now available for download on both the App Store and Google Play Store. Features include quick access to events, news, dining info, and safety links. Visit the UIS Mobile App page to learn more and download!

News from the Chancellor

Jan 17, 2023
1.17.23 Dear Colleagues: Last semester, I announced that, in response to the recommendations from the Underrepresented Faculty Recruitment and Retention Taskforce, I would be initiating a DEI Strategic Planning process. At that time, I issued…
Jan 11, 2023
The University of Illinois Board of Trustees along with University of Illinois System President Timothy L. Killeen cordially invite you and a guest to the Investiture of Chancellor Janet L. Gooch, University of Illinois Springfield…
Jan 09, 2023
1.9.23 Happy New Year, UIS! I hope each of you had a relaxing and healthy winter break and are feeling revived for an exciting spring semester. We have a very busy few months ahead of us as we work to fill key administration positions, host…

News from the Provost

See What's Cooking

Today's menu isn't posted yet. Check again soon!

Employee Recognition

Apr 11, 2022
Eric Kuchar has been named the University of Illinois Springfield Employee of the Month for April 2022. He is the assistant to the dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Kuchar’s nominator says…

Employee Events

No employee specific events at this time. Check back soon! Visit our main website calendar for other university events.