UIS Orbit is a resource for University of Illinois Springfield employees to find important news and announcements, new hire information, human resources info, upcoming employee events and more!


Oct 09, 2023
Friendly Reminder Employee Assistance Program (EAP) The State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to any UIS employee who participates in the State Employee Group Insurance Program (SEGIP), as…
Oct 09, 2023
As the weather gets colder and we engage in more indoor activities, our risk of illness increases, including cold, flu, RVS, COVID-19, and many other illnesses. One of the best strategies is always prevention. Please…
Oct 04, 2023
UIS Campus Senate will meet on Friday, October 6, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM, in P PAC 160, Community Room (formerly known as C/D). The agenda can be found here: https://uofi.box.com/s/7146yax5rvo8swq63x5t1ynfit6p22yr…

UIS Mobile App

The UIS Mobile app is now available for download on both the App Store and Google Play Store. Features include quick access to events, news, dining info, and safety links. Visit the UIS Mobile App page to learn more and download!

News from the Chancellor

News from the Provost

See What's Cooking

Today's menu isn't posted yet. Check again soon!

Employee Recognition

Employee Events

No employee specific events at this time. Check back soon! Visit our main website calendar for other university events.