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Burks Oakley II Distinguished Online Teaching Award Guidelines


The Burks Oakley II Distinguished Online Teaching Award is intended to recognize UIS faculty members whose performance exemplifies the institution’s commitment to excellence in online teaching.  The recipient of this award shall receive $1,000 cash plus a commemorative plaque, and their name will be engraved on a permanent plaque located in the Provost’s Suite.  The award is funded through the generosity of Burks Oakley II.

Categories of Violation


  • Using a direct quotation without quotation marks or a citation
  • Paraphrasing or changing an author’s words or style without citation
  • Insufficiently acknowledging sources or providing a partial citation
  • Using the pattern, structure or organization of an author’s argument or ideas without proper citation
  • Failing to cite sources for information considered non-common
  • Using an essay from course for another without instructor permission
  • Failing to attach all group members’ names to a group project
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Student Resources

Resources for Students

Universal Standard for Academic Integrity

  • Universities across the United States maintain academic integrity policies to ensure honest and genuine college work.
  • UIS academic integrity policy ensures personal honesty that facilitates an open, vibrant exchange of ideas.
  • The intellectual character of the UIS community depends on academic integrity, which nurtures the trust and mutual respect of all members of the community.
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Academic Integrity

The Academic Integrity Policy was written for and approved by the Campus Senate. Here you will find helpful resources for both students and faculty.

UIS is committed to honesty, trust, and mutual respect.  This is an academic community founded on the search for knowledge…at the heart of that search is personal honesty that makes possible an open and vibrant exchange of ideas…

All faculty and students should read and become fully aware of the Academic Integrity Policy.

Staff Position Requests


Academic Professional (AP) positions are vested in the University of Illinois Springfield. Whenever an AP position within the Division of Academic Affairs becomes vacant (for any reason), the position and its associated funding revert to the Office of the Provost. Civil Service (CS) positions are vested in the University of Illinois Springfield through the State of Illinois.