Dr. Kenneth Kriz Publishes a Co-edited Book on Tax Increment Financing

Dr. Kenneth Kriz Publishes a Co-edited Book on Tax Increment Financing

Dr. Kenneth Krizhas co-edited a new book titled “Tax Increment Financing and Economic Development.” The book brings together leading experts to examine the evolving nature of tax increment financing (TIF), the most widely used tool of local economic and community development. Originally designed as an innovative approach to the redevelopment of blighted areas, TIF has become a more general-purpose tool of economic and community development.

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Dr. Kenneth Kriz Presents on Fiscal Sustainability at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand

Dr. Kenneth Kriz Presents on Fiscal Sustainability at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand

Dr. Kenneth Kriz presented to an audience of faculty and students in the Faculty of Political Science at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand on July 9. The topic of the presentation was the Theory and Practice of Assessing Fiscal Sustainability. Dr. Arwi Kriz provided translation for the remarks. After presenting for approximately one hour, outlining the theory of fiscal sustainability and highlighting two recently completed projects on the topic, Dr.

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Dr. Kenneth Kriz Presents Economic Outlook at Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce Annual Conference

Dr. Kenneth Kriz Presents Economic Outlook at Quad Cities Chamber of Commerce Annual Conference

Dr. Kriz presented an economic outlook for the nation, for the 3-state Iowa-Illinois-Missouri region, and the local Quad Cities economy. His presentation highlighted that while the national and regional economy has slowed, there was not a high likelihood of the economy tipping into recession in the near future. For the Quad Cities region, Dr.

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Dr. Kenneth Kriz Presents Research on Behavioral Public Finance and Economics at 2019 International Conference: Experimental Research in Public Management

Dr. Kenneth Kriz Presents Research on Behavioral Public Finance and Economics at 2019 International Conference: Experimental Research in Public Management

The conference, hosted by the KDI School of Public Policy and Management in Seoul, Republic of Korea, featured experts on behavioral public administration, public policy, and public finance from major universities throughout the United States. Dr.

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Dr. Arwiphawee Srithongrung and Dr. Patricia Byrnes Publish an Article on Arts and Cultural Activities and Economic Development

Dr. Arwiphawee Srithongrung and Dr. Patricia Byrnes Publish an Article on Arts and Cultural Activities and Economic Development

Dr. Arwiphawee Srithongrung, IIPF Research Fellow and Dr. Patricia Byrnes, Affiliated Faculty, published an article on the causal linkages between arts and cultural activities and employment, the attraction of knowledge workers into a regional economy, and the resulting impact on economic growth. The journal in which they published their research is one of the top journals in the nation on the subject of economic development. Drs.

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Dr. Arwi Srithongrung Kriz Publishes Working Paper and White Paper on State Government Efficiency

Dr. Arwi Srithongrung Kriz Publishes Working Paper and White Paper on State Government Efficiency

A study released today by the Institute for Illinois Public Finance at the University of Illinois at Springfield reports mixed results with respect to the efficiency of Illinois state government. Dr.

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Illinois Municipal Policy Journal Volume 5 Published

Illinois Municipal Policy Journal Volume 5 Published

Volume 6 of the Illinois Municipal Policy Journal, published by the Illinois Municipal League, was recently published. Contributors included Dr. Arwi Kriz and Dr. Beverly Bunch. Drs. Kriz and Bunch also serve as Associate Editors for the Journal. Dr. Kenneth Kriz is the Managing Editor.

The journal can be read online here.

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Dr. Beverly Bunch Speaks at Public Pension Funding Webinar

Dr. Beverly Bunch Speaks at Public Pension Funding Webinar

Dr. Beverly Bunch, IIPF Affiliated Faculty, was a panelist on the first webinar in a series featuring authors from Volume 5 of the Illinois Municipal Policy Journal. Dr. Bunch spoke on the topic of local government pensions in Illinois along with Amanda Kass from the Government Finance Research Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

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Professor Adriana Crocker named the first U of I System Presidential Fellow at UIS

Professor Adriana Crocker named the first U of I System Presidential Fellow at UIS

University of Illinois President Timothy L. Killeen has announced that Adriana CrockerUniversity of Illinois Springfield professor of political science, will serve as the newest Presidential Fellow. Crocker is the first faculty member at UIS to be named a Presidential Fellow.

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Associate Professor of Political Science Richard Gilman-Opalsky named the University Scholar

Associate Professor of Political Science Richard Gilman-Opalsky named the University Scholar

Richard Gilman-Opalsky, associate professor of political science at the University of Illinois Springfield, has been named University Scholar for 2018. The award, considered the university system’s highest faculty honor, recognizes outstanding teaching and scholarship. Only one faculty member receives the annual award at UIS.

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