Fire Alarm Inspection

Facilities and Services will oversee the inspection of fire alarm systems during the week of July 3rd.

This is primarily a visual inspection, but there will be brief, intermittent activations of alarm horns and strobe lights as part of inspection procedures.

Elevators will be included in the alarm inspection. Signage will be posted when an elevator is taken out of service. Every effort will be made to ensure an operational elevator is available in buildings with multiple elevators as well as to return an elevator to service as quickly as possible.

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Q and A with Stephanie Hedge

Q and A with Stephanie Hedge

Director of Composition, Associate Professor of English

Where did you go for your undergraduate education?

The University of Windsor in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Where did you go for your graduate education?

My MA was also at U of W. Ph.D. was at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.

What was your major(s)?

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CLASS Professor is Expert on Netflix’s I am a Stalker

Dr. Ryan Williams, associate professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at UIS, has contributed his expertise to the popular Netflix documentary series, I am a Stalker. Production crew and campus interviews occurred in March 2022, and Williams spent hours speaking with the producers, who he says were “curious and open to listening to what the scholarly literature has found on the topic.”

“Criminologists rarely get asked by the media to discuss crimes other than violent murders, which make up a small percentage of violent crimes,” Williams says.

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Chicago Monuments Project

The City of Chicago's Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) has awarded a grant of $50,000 for a Chicago Monuments Project (CMP) to Hinda Seif, Associate Professor of Sociology/Anthropology at University of Illinois Springfield, and Laurie Matheson, director of the University of Illinois Press.

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Dr. Arwi Kriz Presents at the Public Management Research Conference on Corruption and Efficiency in Public Capital Spending

Dr. Arwi Kriz Presents at the Public Management Research Conference on Corruption and Efficiency in Public Capital Spending

Dr. Arwi Kriz presented her most recent research examining the link between corruption and public capital spending efficiency. While most of the existing research on this topic has tried to associate public capital spending levels with corruption, Dr. Kriz points out that more sophisticated measures of efficiency are available.

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