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More high-achieving students can attend UIS tuition-free thanks to new program
Nov 14, 2018
More high-achieving students will be able to attend the University of Illinois Springfield tuition-free thanks to a new program that will provide more than $1 million in additional scholarship dollars for first-year and transfer students starting the 2019-20 academic year. Illinois’ AIM HIGH grant pilot program is designed to keep students in Illinois for their college education, increase overall Illinois college student enrollment and retention, improve Illinois college affordability and reduce student loan debt. |
At the 22nd annual UIS Scholarship Luncheon Students thank donors
Nov 08, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield recognized scholarship donors during the 22nd annual S |
UIS Student Union wins excellence in design award from the American Institute of Architects
Nov 06, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield’s new Student Union building was honored with an excellence in design award by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) during the Prairie Chapter Design Meeting and Awards Program in Bloomington, Illinois on Nov. 1, 2018. |
UIS students collect 18,095 pounds of food to help fight hunger on Halloween night
Nov 01, 2018
More than 200 University of Illinois Springfield students helped to collect 18,095 pounds of food to help fight hunger in central Illinois on Halloween night. The majority of the food, 17,171 pounds, will be donated to the Central Illinois Foodbank, while 924 pounds will go to the on campus UIS Cares Food Pantry. |
UIS Cox Children’s Center receives Gold Circle of Quality designation from ExceleRate Illinois
Oct 24, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield Cox Children’s Center has received the Gold Circle of Quality designation, the highest rating possible, from ExceleRate Illinois, the state’s quality rating and improvement system for early learning and development providers. |