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UIS in-state tuition to remain frozen for a fifth straight year
Jan 31, 2019
The University of Illinois Board of Trustees on Thursday, January 31, 2019, approved a tuition freeze for in-state freshmen next fall for a fifth straight year, extending an affordability initiative that is now the longest run of back-to-back freezes in more than a half-century. Trustees also approved 2019-20 tuition for non-residents that will hold increases to the rate of inflation or less, along with student fees and housing costs for the system’s three universities, including the University of Illinois Springfield. |
Four UIS projects part of a new, nearly $2 million U of I System arts and humanities initiative
Jan 25, 2019
Renovations to the University of Illinois Springfield Studio Theatre, the creation of a Hip-Hop Xpress mobile classroom, a cultural heritage tourism project and expanded arts and humanities-based exhibits and events are part of a new, nearly $2 million initiative announced by the University of Illinois System on January 25, 2018. The initiative is aimed at emphasizing the impact and influence of the arts and humanities across Illinois. |
Innocent man represented by UIS Illinois Innocence Project receives executive clemency 23 years after his death in prison
Jan 15, 2019
The Illinois Innocence Project at the University of Illinois Springfield is pleased to announce that Grover Thompson, who was wrongfully convicted in 1981 and died in prison in 1996, has received executive clemency based on actual innocence by former Gov. Bruce Rauner. This is the first posthumous exoneration to occur in Illinois and only the 21st such exoneration nationwide, as documented by the National Registry of Exonerations. |
UIS online bachelor’s degree programs ranked 33rd best in the country by U.S. News & World Report
Jan 15, 2019
The University of Illinois Springfield’s online bachelor’s degree programs have been ranked 33rd best in the country out of more than 348 institutions by U.S. News & World Report. The January 15 ranking put UIS among the top 10 percent of best online bachelor’s degree programs in the United States. |
Somnath Bhattacharya named the new dean of the UIS College of Business and Management
Jan 09, 2019
Somnath (Som) Bhattacharya has been named the new dean of the College of Business and Management at the |