The Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) requires all academic programs at Illinois public institutions to complete a thorough evaluation at least once every eight years, and it requires new programs to undergo evaluation after its first three years. The IBHE Program Review is an essential process for ensuring the quality and effectiveness of academic programs. It involves evaluating program goals, learning outcomes, resources, and overall impact on students. 

Program Review Self-Studies are reviewed and approved at multiple levels before they are submitted to IBHE. At each stage, a memo is drafted, approved, and signed to ensure that faculty and administrators agree on the recommendations for the program going forward.

Level 1:

Level 2:

Level 3:
Dean's Office

Level 4:
Provost's Office

Level 5:

The table below provides an overview of the process and the deadlines for submitting materials to the College Curriculum Committee (CCC), College Dean, and Provost’s Office.

Informational meeting with Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment (DIEA)Department/School representativesEarly fall semester
Self-study completedDepartment/SchoolSeptember - March
Self-study sent to CCCDepartment/SchoolBy March 31
Self-study approved; Memo drafted, signed, and forwarded with completed self-study to College DeanCCCBy April 30
Self-study approved; Memo drafted, signed, and forwarded with CCC Memo and completed self-study to Provost's Office ('s OfficeBy May 15
Self-study approved; MOU signed; full program review submitted to IBHEProvost's OfficeBy September 30
Follow-up meeting with DIEA to discuss recommendations and next stepsDepartment/School representativesEarly the following fall semester

Academic Program Review Resources