Message from the Chancellor: Post-Retreat Surveys


Dear Colleagues:

Thank you for attending Friday’s Rise Professional Development Retreat! I hope you enjoyed the opportunity to connect with your colleagues while learning about and reflecting on the important topic of personal wellness. I was so impressed with the quality of information shared by our keynote speaker and our talented faculty and staff!

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Message from the Chancellor: UIS Update 9.18.23


Happy Monday, UIS!

In case you missed last week’s announcement, fall enrollment numbers are up by 11%! What an incredible achievement. Thanks to each of you for the amazing work you do on a daily basis. Enrollment reflects the combined efforts campus wide to be a welcoming place for our students to learn and grow.

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Professional Development Retreat Feedback

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Message from the Chancellor: Register TODAY for the Professional Development Retreat!


Dear Colleagues:

Time is running out to register for our first Professional Development Retreat for Civil Service/Academic Professional staff and Faculty. The retreat is focused on Wellness in the Workplace and takes place Sept. 15. Registration closes this Thursday, Aug. 31.

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Message from the Chancellor: Happy First Day of Classes, UIS!


Dear Students, Faculty and Staff —

Happy first day of classes! Whether you are with us on campus or joining us online this semester, I hope you are ready to make the most of the months ahead. It’s going to be a great fall!

There’s a noticeable charge of excitement in the air this time of year, with the promise of new opportunities and the anticipation of what’s to come. I hope each of you has a rewarding semester and learns new ideas, forms new and deepens existing relationships and moves closer to achieving your goals.

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Message from the Chancellor: UIS Update 8.7.23


Happy Monday, UIS!

I’m looking forward to fall semester beginning in a few short weeks. While the summer break is always a welcome reprieve, there’s nothing like the excitement in August when campus is bustling again. We’re already ramping up in many ways, and you’ll see this reflected in the lengthy list of important items listed below. Bear with me as you scroll…and scroll. It was all too timely and important not to share with you.

New Information

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