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Kiev Glasscock
Aug 05, 2024
Hometown: Springfield, IllinoisMajor: Master’s in data analyticsFuture Plans: Work for the federal government Kiev Glasscock enjoys the enthusiasm and dedication of faculty at the University of Illinois Springfield. He was part of the Data Analytics House Cup and has been collaborating on research projects with professors. Glasscock chose UIS due to its welcoming atmosphere, affordable tuition and robust computer science program. Following graduation, he hopes to work for the federal government. |
Message from the Chancellor: UIS Update 8.5.24
Aug 05, 2024
8.5.24 Happy Monday, The first day of classes are just a few short weeks away, and I’m excited to welcome students to campus. Their presence brings an incredible energy and vibrancy, truly bringing our campus to life. As we prepare for another academic year, I look forward to the exciting opportunities and accomplishments that lie ahead. |
UIS to co-host a star party viewing of the Perseid meteor shower at Lincoln Memorial Garden
Aug 05, 2024
WHAT: The University of Illinois Springfield Astronomy-Physics Program, Lincoln Memorial Garden and the Sangamon Astronomical Society will host a special star party to view the annual Perseid meteor shower. WHEN: 8:30-10 p.m. Monday, Aug. 12 WHERE: Lincoln Memorial Garden, 2301 E. Lake Shore Drive, Springfield |
Roof Work at FRH
Aug 03, 2024
Dear Campus Community, We are reaching out to inform you about an important upcoming project on the Founders Residence Hall roof. For the safety and integrity of the building, we must temporarily remove the green roof to inspect the underlying rubber membrane. This inspection will help us identify any areas needing repair and determine if replacement is necessary. We’ll use the results of the inspections to guide our planning and scheduling. While we don’t have a specific timeline yet, work may begin as early as Monday, August 5. |
UIS Theatre program advances as a finalist for the Doris Duke Foundation’s inaugural Performing Arts Technologies Lab
Aug 01, 2024
The University of Illinois Springfield Theatre Program has been listed as one of 40 finalists for the inaugural Performing Arts Technologies Lab by the Doris Duke Foundation. Selected from a pool of 745 applications across 43 states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, this recognition highlights UIS Theatre's innovative approach to integrating digital technologies in the performing arts. |