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UIS waives application fees for prospective students for the summer and fall 2020 terms
Nov 13, 2019
Start your FREE application! The University of Illinois Springfield is waiving all application fees for prospective students in an effort to ensure that all students are given the opportunity to pursue a higher education. Application fees will be waived for all incoming freshman, transfer, graduate, online and international students who apply for admission to the spring, summer and fall 2020 terms. |
UIS students thank donors at the annual Scholarship Luncheon
Nov 06, 2019
University of Illinois Springfield students got a chance to say thank you to their scholarship donors during the 23rd annual Scholarship Luncheon on Nov. 6. A record crowd of nearly 300 people packed the Student Union Ballroom as they celebrated how scholarships have made a difference in the lives of students. |
UIS Career Development Center seeks donations of professional clothing for student job interviews
Nov 05, 2019
The University of Illinois Springfield Career Development Center is asking Springfield-area residents to donate clean, new or gently used, ready to wear professional clothing for students to wear to job interviews and internships. Donations may be dropped off from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 11-15 at the UIS Career Development Center, located in the Student Affairs Building, Room 50, on the east side of the UIS campus. |
UIS students collect 15,779 pounds of food to help fight hunger on Halloween night
Nov 01, 2019
More than 200 University of Illinois Springfield students helped to collect 15,779 pounds of food to help fight hunger in central Illinois on Halloween night. The majority of the food, 14,779 pounds, will be donated to Central Illinois Foodbank, while 1,000 pounds will go to the on campus UIS Cares Food Pantry. A total of 11 teams, consisting of 228 students, went door-to-door in several Springfield neighborhoods collecting canned goods and other non-perishable food items. |
UIS/NPR Illinois survey explores voter opinion on health issues, immigration, climate change, income inequality and trust
Oct 16, 2019
The 2019 Illinois Issues Survey conducted by the University of Illinois Springfield Survey Research Office an |