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Jessica Joyner
Nov 13, 2020
Hometown: Decatur, Illinois Major: Human Development Counseling Future Plans: Work as a middle school counselor in a public school district |
Alexis Dhamrait
Nov 23, 2020
Hometown: Springfield, IL Major: Business Administration Future Plans: Attend law school Alexis Dhamrait chose the University of Illinois Springfield because “it was close to home and allowed me to receive an excellent education while saving for law school.” At UIS, she is a member of the Capital Scholars Honors Program, Alternative Spring Break and the Phi Alpha Delta International Law Fraternity. She enjoys UIS because it is easily to get involved in organizations and people are open and friendly. Leadership is lived at UIS. Every day. |
UIS Observatory to hold a virtual Star Party for the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
Dec 14, 2020
The University of Illinois Springfield Observatory is holding a virtual Star Party for the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn from 5-6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 21. Participants can learn more and watch the virtual start party on Zoom by accessing the link at go.uis.edu/starparties. |
Grace Weber
Dec 14, 2020
Hometown: Delafield, Wisconsin Majors: Business Administration & Marketing Future Plans: Work in social media marketing for an NBA or NFL team |
UIS History professor, two alumni part of an Emmy Award-winning film shot at the site of the 1908 Springfield Race Riots
Nov 23, 2020
“Face to Face,” a short film featuring Dr. |