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CBM receives a $100,000 gift to help initiatives exploring the future of business education
Dec 01, 2020
A $100,000 gift to the University of Illinois Springfield College of Business and Management will support the creation of several initiatives and market-relevant programs that will provide students with dynamic educational opportunities. |
Karen Whitney’s term as interim chancellor to be extended at UIS
Dec 07, 2020
University of Illinois System President Tim Killeen announced today that he is recommending that University of Illinois Springfield Interim Chancellor Karen M. Whitney’s appointment be extended by one year. Whitney, a nationally recognized higher education leader, has served as interim chancellor since June 2020 and will continue in that capacity through June 2022, Killeen said, pending approval of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees at its January meeting. |
Mae Matoka '22
Dec 14, 2020
Hometown: Round Lake, IL Major: Communication Future Plans: Become a public speaker and activist |
UIS GPSI Program to offer state internships in the Chicago-area starting in August 2020
Dec 12, 2019
The University of Illinois Springfield’s Graduate Public Service Internship Program (GPSI) is expanding to offer paid graduate student internships with state government agencies in the greater Chicago-area starting in August 2020. Admitted students will complete their UIS master’s degree online, while completing a paid internship in the Chicago-area. |
UIS names Peyton Deterding new director of athletics
Nov 25, 2019
The University of Illinois Springfield has named Peyton Deterding as its new director of athletics, pending approval by |