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UIS receives institutional reaccreditation from the Higher Learning Commission
Sep 05, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield has received institutional reaccreditation from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), an independent corporation that serves as one of six regional institutional accreditors in the United States. UIS has been accredited by the commission since 1975. The 10 year reaccreditation was approved by the Institutional Actions Council of the Higher Learning Commission at its meeting on July 31, 2018. |
UIS welcomes 21 new faculty members for the start of Fall Semester 2018 classes
Aug 24, 2018
A total of 21 new faculty members have joined the University of Illinois Springfield for Fall Semester 2018. |
UIS welcomes hundreds of new students on Freshmen Move-In Day
Aug 22, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield welcomed nearly 300 new students and their parents to campus during Freshmen Move-In Day on August 22, 2018. “Today we have all of our first-year students moving into Lincoln Residence Hall and Founders Residence Hall,” said Brian Kelley, UIS director of residence life. “We’re really excited. There’s a lot of energy.” |
UIS launches new Community Music School offering professional lessons for adults and children
Aug 21, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield Music Program has launched a new Community Music School offering instrumental and vocal instruction to adults and children five years and older. The purpose of this program is to offer affordable, high quality, individualized music instruction and performance opportunities that enrich the community and campus. |
UIS to offer a new dual credit course in an effort to encourage high school students to become teachers
Aug 16, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield’s Teacher Education Department will offer a new dual credit course for high school seniors in Menard and Sangamon Counties in an effort to encourage them to become teachers. This is only the second year that UIS has offered dual credit courses, taught by University faculty members, to local high school students. The seniors will earn both college and high school credit for completing the course. |