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"Hired!" social media campaign highlights 2018 graduates with jobs
Aug 15, 2018
A University of Illinois Springfield social media campaign is highlighting students who graduated with a job. The "Hired!" campaign was featured on the UIS Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages in the summer of 2018. |
UIS to host a 4K for Cancer team running to raise funds and awareness
Jul 19, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield will host a 4K for Cancer team during their more than 4,000 mile, 49 day cross-country run from San Francisco to Baltimore to raise funds and awareness for young adults with cancer. The team of 19 runners, made up of college-aged students, will spend two nights on the UIS campus. The runners are expected to arrive in Springfield on July 19 between 2-4 p.m. and depart Springfield on July 21 around 6 a.m. |
UIS announces Spring Semester 2018 Dean’s List
Jul 02, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield has released the Dean’s List for Spring Semester 2018. A total of 519 students were selected; 77 are students in the College of Business and Management, 39 are students in the College of Education and Human Services, 323 are enrolled in programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 66 are enrolled in programs in the College of Public Affairs and Administration, and 14 are non-degree seeking or undecided. |
UIS students and faculty conduct research in Ghana, West Africa as part of a study abroad trip
Jun 18, 2018
A group of seven University of Illinois Springfield students and three faculty members are spending their summer conducting research in Ghana, West Africa as part of an international study abroad trip. The UIS students and faculty are investigating the prevalence and risk factors for diabetes, hypertension and hepatitis C co-infection with HIV among the Ghanaian population. They are also assessing water quality by collecting samples from local sources and testing for coliform, E. coli and other harmful properties. |
UIS welcomes the Class of 2022 during KickStart Orientation
Jun 12, 2018
The University of Illinois Springfield is welcoming hundreds of new students and their parents to campus during summer KickStart Orientation events in June, July and August. A total of six different orientation sessions are planned. The two-day overnight events helps students understand UIS requirements, meet their fellow classmates and learn their way around campus. |