The School of Health Sciences Suite is located in the Student Life Building (SLB) on the northeastern part of campus. The suite houses the BS in Exercise Science Program’s two classrooms and the Exercise Science Laboratory.
The School of Health Sciences
The School of Health Sciences Suite was constructed in the summer of 2017 after being designed by the Athletic Training and Exercise Science Faculty to enhance learning and maximize space.
Entrance to the Suite: floor to ceiling photographic images are used to accentuate the space The bright colors from the Leadership lived color palate were chosen because of the vibrant nature of the programs.
The Exercise Science Lab
The Athletic Training and Exercise Science programs share this space.

Athletic Training Classrooms
Both AT classrooms have combination tables with removable pads that allow the table to convert from a student desk to an evaluation table. Room 105 also includes a 10 station taping bench.

View from Inside Room 105

Side Hallway

Modalities Lab

Wet Lab