Additional Information

  • The Contract Cancellation Deadline is April 15th for the summer semester. Please provide all supporting documentation when submitting.
  • Summer Housing charges are assessed based on a weekly rate multiplied by the length of your contract. Your student account will be charged once at the beginning of the summer semester. The Summer Housing Rates are listed on our Housing Rates Page.
  • To ensure proper maintenance and that all work orders are addressed, summer housing is consolidated into one court. Therefore, you will be assigned to the designated court for Summer Housing no matter your assignment for the current Spring semester or the upcoming Fall semester.
    • The designated Summer Court is Bluebell
  • There will be a transition date for all students staying from the Spring semester to the Summer semester, to move from their Spring assignment to their Summer assignment. Additional details will be forwarded via email by the Summer Area Coordinator as the date approaches.
  • Please keep in mind that if you decide to check out at the end of the Spring semester, your move-in date will be the Summer move-in date for all incoming summer residents. Please visit our Summer Move-In information page for all transition dates and move-in information.
  • If you are currently assigned to Family Housing, you will need to fill out the Summer Housing Application/Contract to stay for the summer semester. You will remain assigned to your current unit and will not be consolidated into the Summer Housing designated court.

Storage Units Near Campus

There is no summer storage option available on campus.  Please see suggested options listed below if you need to store your belongings.

Please note: These options are provided due to their proximity to campus, the Department of Residence Life and the University of Illinois Springfield are not affiliated with these entities, nor do we endorse them for use.


Location: 900 E. Straight Street, Springfield, IL 62703

Call to Reserve: 217-286-1550

5ft x 10ft unit = $59 per month (smallest unit available)

For more sizes, prices and locations visit 10 Federal Storage


Location: 3650 S 6th Street Rd Springfield, IL 62703

Call to Reserve: 217-786-2100

5ft x 5ft x 10ft = $64.95 per month (smallest unit available)

For more sizes, prices and locations visit U-Haul Storage