The Department of Residence Life strives to provide a seamless and pain-free move-in process for students and their families during Move-In time.

Please be sure to review the following information to prepare for your arrival on-campus:

When Should I Arrive?

  • Spring Move-In for New Students who are International Students, Shorelight Students, and students who are registered for Orientation will take place on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 between 9am-5pm. 
    • Check-in location to receive your keys: 
      • Homer Butler Commons (HCOM) - all students will check-in at HCOM 
  • Spring Move-In for any new students who did not register to attend Orientation begins Saturday, January 11, 2025 between 9am-5pm. 
    • Check-in locations to receive your keys:
      • Lincoln Residence Hall - Lincoln residents
      • Founders Residence Hall - Founders residents and West residents (Foxglove, Trillium, Pennyroyal, Marigold)
      • Homer Butler Commons (HCOM) - East residents (Bluebell, Larkspur, Clover, Sunflower)

Getting to Campus

Driving Directions to the University of Illinois Springfield

  • Please utilize the campus map to find your check-in location.


  • If traveling by train, the Springfield Amtrak Station code is “SPI”.
  • Routes through Springfield include “Lincoln Service” and “Texas Eagle”

When You Arrive

Checking In

  • New students checking in to their rooms should report to their designated check-in location listed above.
  • Students will need to present their i-Card/Student ID when checking in. If you do not have your I-Card, please go to the I-Card Center first before check-in.
  • The i-Card Center is located  in the University Hall Building (UHB) room 1004.

Contracts, Inventories & Keys

  • At check-in, students will receive their keys and instructions for completing their Room Inventory.
  • Students will need to sign an Acknowledgement of Resident Responsibilities.
  • Students will be given their keys to their unit. Students will be expected to complete their inventory within 72 hours of checking in. Please review the full check-in process via our Move-In Guide.  Please be thorough in your assessment, as your check-out process will be based on the notes you made during check-in.  We have a list of damage charges available as reference for all items within the unit.
  • In the Residence Halls, students will receive a room key, bathroom key and a mailbox key.  In the Apartments and Townhouses, residents will receive a front door key, bedroom key and mailbox key.
  • Residents are responsible for their keys at all times, and may be asked to produce these keys by Residence Life Staff at any time.

What to Bring

What to Bring with You to Campus

  • All residents are reminded that bathroom spaces are the responsibility of residents to clean and maintain; the Department of Residence Life does not provide regular cleaning of these spaces following check-in.  This includes providing a shower curtain, toilet paper, etc.

Support our Resident Housing Association

  • Help support the Residence Housing Association buy purchasing bedding and care packages through Swaku!  A portion of your purchase helps fund programs and leadership opportunities for on-campus residents.

Reassignment Requests (Room Changes)

  • In order to adequately prepare for the semester, a freeze is in effect for all reassignment/room change requests until 3 weeks after the first day of classes.  No room reassignment requests will be honored until this freeze ends.
  • Reassignment requests are based on occupancy and spaces that are available at the time of request, and are subject to approval.  Reassignment requests based on conflict typically will not be approved until the formal mediation process has been followed.
    • This process requires drafting of a Roommate Agreement, and reviewing of this agreement at subsequent mediation meetings if necessary.
    • All parties are expected to be engaged and active participants in this conflict mediation process.

Reassignment Request Form

People You’ll Meet – Residence Life Staff

  • Desk Attendants– student staff members who serve as security monitors, customer service assistants, and reception staff at each Residence Hall and Homer Butler Commons Reception Desks.
  • Resident Assistants – full-time students who serve as community builders, first responders, role models, mediators, and so much more! These staff members reside in the same area/floor that you do, and work to foster a safe and secure living & learning environment.
  • Senior Resident Assistants – part-time student staff members who supervise and provide leadership to the RAs.

Important Phone Numbers & Emails

  • Central Office:, (217) 206-6190
  • East Campus Apartments: (217) 306-2909
  • West Campus Townhouses: (217) 306-2907
  • Founders Residence Hall: (217) 306-2905
  • Lincoln Residence Hall: (217) 306-2903

Meal Plan

  • First Year Students AND Second Year (Sophomore) returning students who live in the Residence Halls are required to purchase a full meal plan (Signature, Gold, or Silver Plan) as offered through Dining Services.
  • Non-Second Year Students who live in the townhouses and apartments may choose any plan including the smallest option designed with your needs in mind.
    • “Bronze Plan” is the most popular for our Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate Students and is designed for students who have a kitchen.

Submit a Work Order:

Use the “Room Work Orders” link if you're having issues with keys, electrical, plumbing, need a repair, or other maintenance performed that DOES NOT involve The Internet.

Use the “TECHNOLOGY ONLY” link if you're having issues with internet related problems. Just fill out the form and submit your order. These will be reviewed and submitted to UIS IT for work.