Townhouses and Apartments
The Department of Residence Life contracts trash removal services with Waste Management of Illinois. Each court has an enclosed corral located near it where large waste receptacles (dumpsters) can be found. Trash is collected by Waste Management two to three (2-3) times per week depending upon needs of the area. All trash from student residencies should be placed, not thrown, in these large dumpsters. All trash must be in securely closed trash bags. Trash is never to be left outside of the apartments unattended for any length of time.
Students living in the courts are expected to not allow waste to collect inside their apartments for long periods of time as this may attract animals, insects, and/or pests. Loose trash should not be placed in dumpsters nor should any residence trash be placed in the laundry rooms. Laundry Rooms are equipped only with small trash receptacles meant for laundry waste such as lint, empty detergent containers, or fabric softener sheets.
Large bulk items, such as furniture, cannot be placed in or left near the dumpsters for removal due to the additional costs and fees from the waste company. You are responsible for properly discarding these bulk items and the costs associated with that service. If bulk items are found, responsible persons will be charged a fee for removal of large bulk items along with possible disciplinary actions.
Residence Halls
Currently both Founders Residence Hall and Lincoln Residence Hall have designated trash rooms/areas on each floor that contain waste barrels. Starting in 2025 these rooms/areas will be closed and residents are expected to take all waste/trash directly to the large outdoor waste receptacles (dumpsters). All trash must be in securely closed trash bags.
Students living in the halls are expected to not allow waste to collect inside rooms for long periods of time as this may attract animals, insects, and/or pests. Room trash is never to be placed in the floor lounge trash cans, laundry room trash cans, or other areas of the buildings. Laundry Rooms are equipped only with small trash receptacles meant for laundry waste such as lint, empty detergent containers, or fabric softener sheets.
Large bulk items, such as furniture, cannot be placed in or left near the dumpsters for removal due to the additional costs and fees from the waste company. You are responsible for properly discarding these bulk items and the costs associated with that service. If bulk items are found, responsible persons will be charged a fee for removal of large bulk items along with possible disciplinary actions.
The Department also contracts the removal of single stream recycling on a weekly basis. Currently every court laundry room has two (2) large blue recycling bins that are emptied at least once per week. In addition there are larger outdoor recycling dumpsters outside of Homer Butler Commons, Founders Residence Hall, Sunflower Court, Foxglove Court, and Pennyroyal Court. These dumpsters are marked with a recycling informational sticker, recycling only magnet, and/or yellow lid. Recycling is never to be left outside or in residence hall public areas unattended. Cardboard boxes should be broken down, papers and magazines should be bundled, loose items must be in clear bags. Items that are not single stream recycling are food waste, containers that have food waste in them (you must rinse and/or clean your recyclables), and foam cups/containers. Recycling that is not in clear bags or is a prohibited item will be treated as trash by the waste company.