Are you a UIS Department wishing to reserve a space in the Department of Residence Life areas for internal events such as staff meetings, interviews, training or recruitment? Are you a UIC Department on Campus at UIS but do not have UIS Connection access? The faculty, Office Support, or Department staff may use this form to make a reservation request, but only for areas that the Department of Residence Life controls. 

Space Reservation Request Form

Student Organizations, Groups, Associations, Clubs as well as Departments looking to host events for the public, student population, and if food or snacks are to be served, then you must use UIS Connection instead. 

For more information about room reservations: 

  1. If you have not set up your UIS Connection page, please contact the Student Life Office (217) 206-4762 or
  2. Reservations are on a first come-first serve basis to be fair. The Department of Residence Life requires a minimum of 48 hours for reservation requests for departmental meetings. All other reservation requests require (1) 1 week advanced notice and the department cannot review requests submitted more than (3) three months in advance. Submissions that are entered too far in advance may either be placed on hold or may be denied for late submission.
  3. The Department of Residence Life allows no more than (2) two recurring/repeating events per week and no more than (6) six per semester. You may put all six recurrences on the same request. Recurring/Repeat reservations are events asking for the same location, day of the week, and time period even if the title of the event may be different (for example, a lecture series with a different visiting speaker each week).
  4. The Department of Residence Life does not provide set up services for spaces. If furniture is moved, it needs to be reset back into place by those reserving the space immediately after the event is over. Organizations are expected to perform desired set-up and return the space to normal afterwards. Additional tables, stages, podiums are not allowed to be delivered or used in DRL spaces.
  5. Study lounges are currently NOT reservable in the Residence Halls.
  6. Reservations after hours and on weekends may require a phone call to the UISPD or Residence Life Staff on Duty to be let into the area. This will be confirmed by email.
  7. No food sales may occur in our areas without written permission.
  8. If the Residence Life Kitchen in Homer Butler Commons is reserved, it must be cleaned after use, all dishes and utensils used must be washed, and all trash taken out to the dumpster. Cleaning products are not provided. Cookware, dishes, utensils, etc... are not guaranteed to be available and it is recommended that you use your own. The dishwasher may be used.
  9. The normal hours of operations for the Department of Residence Life spaces are 9am-8pm. With permission, events can last no later than Midnight, except dances or parties which can go no later than 10pm due to Quiet Hours. Such requests will be evaluated individually, paying particular attention to space that is needed, the type of event that is occurring, and whether trained staff is available to oversee the event. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that such a request will be approved. Overtime costs may be associated for events after 8pm. Overtime costs may be associated with after-hours events or events that go past the reserved time.
  10. Finally our areas may not be reservable at times when buildings are closed after hours or during breaks such as Summer, Thanksgiving, Winter, or Spring Recess.