The Department of Residence life strives to attract, select, and develop a diverse community of people that are talented, passionate, and driven. Residence Life provides an intellectually rich, collaborative, and intimate learning environment where students and staff support each other. Our students are our strongest voice. By joining our staff or being a part of Community Council, Residence Life will not only provide you with the tools to become a leader, but be the leader who makes a difference for future students.
Resident Assistant (RA)
An RA is a student who resides in a court or residence hall wing. The RAs are selected because of their leadership potential, interpersonal skills, positive attitudes, and sense of responsibility and fairness. RAs are experienced residents and students. The RA’s basic role is to provide leadership and support to their community, and monitor and implement the policies and procedures of Residence Life.
RA Application and Selection Process
- Applications will be available Monday, November 18, 2024.
- Attend an Info Session – Just want to know more about becoming a Resident Assistant? These info sessions will allow you to come and ask questions from current RAs about the RA position, qualifications, application, and interview process. We encourage all candidates to attend an info session prior to applying! This year, we will offer one info session in November, two in December, and two in January, all will take place in the LRH Great Room:
- Wednesday, Nov. 20th @ 5pm-6pm
- Tuesday, Dec. 3rd @ 6pm-7pm
- Thursday, Dec. 5th @ 3pm-4pm
- Thursday, Jan. 15th @ 3pm-4pm
- Friday, Jan. 16th @ 6pm-7pm
- RA Application – All applicants must complete a profile via Handshake (check out Career Suite/Career Zoom to assist with resumes, cover letters, and quick responses) and apply for the “Resident Assistant” position on Handshake. Please follow all the necessary steps and pay special attention to the information required in the short answer section. Applications will be available starting Monday, November 18 2024. Applications are due Friday, January 31, 2025 by 5:00pm. Failing to follow all required parts of the application will result in an incomplete application.
- RA Selection Interview Process– Interview sessions will be held in the LRH Great Room between Thursday, Feb. 13 – Friday, Feb. 14 2025. The interview process will last approximately three hours. If you are offered an interview, more information on how to sign up for a time slot will be provided via email at a later date.
Failure to complete any portion of the application or interview process according to the established deadlines may result in a candidate being withdrawn from consideration.
Should you have questions or concerns about the position or application process, please contact:
Nick Wagner, Area Coordinator Founders Residence Hall & East Campus Apartments |
Senior Resident Assistant
The Senior Resident Assistants are student staff members in residence life who oversee the RA's. Their job is to provide leadership and supervision to the RA's and provide a secure community in each of our living areas. There is one Senior Resident Assistant overseeing each section of campus housing (LRH, FRH, East Apartments, and West Townhouses). Along with supervising the RA's, the Senior Resident Assistants are available 24/7 to assist with emergencies on campus. If you ever have a question for the Senior Resident Assistants, stop by the office behind the FRH desk and say hi!
Desk Attendant
The Department of Residence Life employs students to serve as Desk Attendants at the Front Desks within each Residence Hall, as well as the Homer Butler Housing Commons.
The Desk Attendant (DA) is a student employee of Residence Life, and reports directly to the Area Coordinators and/or Customer Service Representative and indirectly to the Assistant Directors and Director of the Department of Residence Life. The duties of the DAs are specifically set to provide support to the Residence Life Office staff, Housing residents, and the Residence Life Office’s obligations and responsibilities.
Recruitment for the Desk Attendant position occur at various times throughout the year. Students interested should contact the Department of Residence Life to inquire when the position may be available and apply for the position via Career Connect.
Snow Crew
Residence Life Facilities is regularly looking for dedicated students who are willing to serve on various student teams it employs.
Members of this team are student employees responsible for the pre-treatment, salting, sanding and shoveling of Residence Life areas during inclement snow weather. Members of this team earn one of the highest wages on campus. Please note this position is seasonal and hours are based solely on weather related conditions. Students interested should contact the Department of Residence Life and/or watch Career Connect during those times when recruitment is active.
Description of Responsibilities:
- Shoveling of snow from walkways, stairs, decks, doorways and portions of parking lots
- Chipping of ice to reduce slippage, sliding, falls and slickness of ground
- Spreading of salt, sand, ice melt manually and mechanically
- Operating powered and non-powered snow removal equipment, shovel and spreader
Cleaning Crew
Residence Life Facilities is regularly looking for dedicated students who are willing to serve on various student teams it employs.
Members of this team are student employees responsible for the cleaning, preparation and presentation of Residence Life areas and facilities. Responsibilities may include various cleaning tasks, handling recyclable materials, pick-up and delivery of items and room inspections. Please note positions are seasonal (summer semester) and we have limited positions available during the academic year. Students interested should contact the Department of Residence Life and/or watch Career Connect during those times when recruitment is active.
Description of Responsibilities:
Student Employees are responsible for the upkeep, cleaning, preparation and presentation of Residence Life property. This include but is not limited to:
- Vacant apartment, townhouse or residence hall units/rooms
- Bedrooms within apartments and townhouses
- Bathrooms within apartments, townhouses, residence halls and/or housing commons building
- Trash and recycling removal
- Pick-up, delivery and storing of university related items
- Other areas as assigned (i.e. office space, storage areas, etc.)