Helpful Tips on Common Appliances


  • Appliance works best:
    • Do not block vents in the refrigerator or freezer sections. Overfilling and blocking the vents will prevent food from cooling or freezing.
    • Fill with food you are going to use within a 7-day span. Do not overload with food.
    • Adjust the thermostat setting in the middle and not to the highest position. Over freezing and over working units will cause the appliance to stop functioning normally. It may also cause leaks.
    • The first thing to check if the appliance is not functioning is if the outlet or breaker may be tripped.
  • Appliance should be cleaned at least once a month
    • Address spills sooner than later.
    • If frosting occurs in the freezer, defrost to allow for proper cooling and air circulation.
    • Vacuum lower vent of dust and debris.
    • You need to clean underneath, behind, and beside the unit.
  • Communicate with fellow roommates
    • When the appliance appears to be functioning differently, speak with roommates about changes to the settings.
    • When an appliance needs attention (cleaning), work with roommates on who, when and how this will be done.
    • When an appliance needs work, report it early and share with roommates you’ve informed the Department of Residence Life.


  • When cooking, do not leave food unattended especially if it is on the stovetop.
  • Do not leave the apartment/townhome when cooking or baking.
  • Do not cook with items not recommended for cooking/baking and be sure to follow directions on the cookware. When cooking, use only safe rated materials such as cast iron, metals, ceramics, silicone, and tempered cooking glass dishes.
  • Placing foil under the burners and in the oven is considered a fire hazard.
  • Burners that have a button on them will only operate properly when a flat bottom cookware is pressing on them.
  • Never attempt to warm up food in cardboard, paper, or plastic containers.
  • Never cook anything if you happen to be drowsy or under the influence. 
  • Clean spills immediately after use to avoid “caking” and buildup.
  • Clean appliances inside and outside at least three times per month depending upon use.
    • Drip pans can be placed in the dishwasher or washed by hand.
    • Burners may be removed and cleaned by hand. Be sure to reattach properly.
    • Stovetops can be opened by lifting it to clear dropped debris.
    • Be sure to wipe down the front sides and top. Also wipe down the backsplash and walls from splatter.
    • The oven interior  can be cleaned using 409 Cleaner or an Oven Cleaner. Be sure to read directions before using any product.
    • The bottom drawer is removable and allows students to clean underneath appliances.
  • Properly store unfinished food. Do not leave it on the stove/oven top or countertops.
  • Use “oven mitts” and/or “oven pads” when handling hot cooking utensils.
  • To avoid damage, do not place hot cooking utensils directly on countertops.

Garbage Disposal

  • Disposals are not meant to handle a lot at once. They are meant to handle the odd food particles after washing dishes. Scraping loose food into the rubbish bins before placing items into the sink area is needed.
  • When using the Disposal, water must be on and running down the drain the whole time.
  • Disposals are only meant for food particles. Do not place in the disposal:
    • Large amounts of food wastes,
    • Cooking oils, fats, grease (these should be put into containers for disposal in the garbage and not poured down the sink or on sidewalks),
    • Animal, fish, and poultry skins,
    • Any vegetable or fruit rinds/skins/peels (including potatoes skins),
    • Large seeds from vegetables and fruits,
    • Glue, Paint, Solvents, Drain cleaner, Acid, or Flammable liquids,
    • Metals, Plastics, Ceramics, Glass, Paper, Etc…,
    • Bones (meat, fish, & poultry),
    • Charcoal or wood.
  • Clean your appliance at least once a month
    • Needed items: Baking soda and Vinegar
    • Instructions:
      • Pour ½ box of baking soda directly into each drain of the sink
      • Pour one (1) cup of vinegar in each sink
      • Rinse excess baking soda with water


  • Dishwashers are not meant to handle food waste. They can handle some particles but you should scrape loose food into the rubbish bins and rinse dishes before placing them in the dishwasher.
  • Use only dishwasher safe detergent and dishwasher safe rinse aids. Normal liquid dish soap is not to be used even if you have had no issues prior. Any kind of non-dishwasher detergent can cause damage to our dishwashers and their components.
    • DO NOT use dish soap, laundry detergent, bleach, or any home remedy mix like vinegar and baking soda or baking soda mixed with a few drops of regular dish soap .
  • Place the liquid dishwasher detergents in the dispenser tray in the door.
  • It is recommended to place dishwasher pods in the utensil tray to fully dissolve. Some pods may be placed in the door dispenser. Typically hard pods are only meant to be placed in the dishwasher utensil tray or they will not break down and dispense soap.
  • Carefully read instructions on the cleaning product..
  • Clean your appliance at least once a month
    • Check for food particles and remove them from the bottom.
    • Rinse off the utensil tray in the sink.
    • Run a cycle without dishes and a product made for this. We recommend Cascade or Finish Dishwasher Cleaner.
      • Remember that while you can also place a small amount of white vinegar in the machine, this can start to break down the rubber and plastic seals over time.